
свертывание, постепенная ликвидация (чего-л.) ;
сведение на нет;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wind-down" в других словарях:

  • wind down — (something) to end or cause something to end gradually. The storm finally began to wind down after four hours of heavy rain. We wound down our affairs in Europe and left for home …   New idioms dictionary

  • wind down — ► wind down 1) (of a clockwork mechanism) gradually lose power. 2) draw or bring gradually to a close. 3) informal relax. Main Entry: ↑wind …   English terms dictionary

  • wind-down — [ waınd ,daun ] noun count BRITISH the time or process when you gradually do less of an activity because you are preparing to stop completely …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wind down — 1) PHRASAL VERB When you wind down something such as the window of a car, you make it move downwards by turning a handle. [V P n (not pron)] Glass motioned to him to wind down the window... [V n P] If a stranger stops you, just wind the window… …   English dictionary

  • wind down — phrasal verb Word forms wind down : present tense I/you/we/they wind down he/she/it winds down present participle winding down past tense wound down past participle wound down 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] to end, or to finish something… …   English dictionary

  • wind down — UK US wind down Phrasal Verb with wind({{}}/waɪnd/ verb (wound, wound) ► [I or T] if a business, situation, activity, etc. winds down, or is wound down, it gradually ends: »They re winding down their overseas operation because it is losing money …   Financial and business terms

  • wind down — 1 (informal) he needed to wind down: RELAX, unwind, calm down, cool down/off, ease up/off, take it easy, rest, put one s feet up; N. Amer. informal hang loose, chill (out) …   Useful english dictionary

  • wind-down — /wuynd down /, n. an act or instance of winding down, as in intensity: a gradual wind down in hostilities. [1965 70; n. use of the v. phrase wind down] * * * …   Universalium

  • wind-down — UK [ˈwaɪnd ˌdaʊn] / US noun [countable] Word forms wind down : singular wind down plural wind downs the time or process when you gradually do less of an activity because you are preparing to stop completely …   English dictionary

  • wind down — 1) informal they needed to wind down Syn: relax, unwind, calm down, cool down/off, ease up/off, take it easy, rest, put one s feet up; informal take a load off, hang loose, chill, chill out, kick back 2) the summer was winding down …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • wind down — verb Date: 1952 intransitive verb 1. to draw gradually toward an end < the party was winding down > 2. relax, unwind < wind down with a good book > transitive verb to cause a gradual lessening of usually with the intention of bringing to an end …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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