Wind-break — v. t. To break the wind of; to cause to lose breath; to exhaust. [R.] [1913 Webster] T would wind break a mule to vie burdens with her. Ford. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wind-break — n. A clump of trees serving for a protection against the force of wind. [Local, U. S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wind|break — «WIHND BRAYK», noun. a shelter from the wind or something used to break the force of the wind. A row of trees is one kind of windbreak … Useful english dictionary
wind|break|er — «WIHND BRAY kuhr», noun. U.S. 1. a short sports jacket of nylon, wool, or leather, having a tight fitting band at the waist and ffs, used for outdoor wear. 2. Windbreaker. a trademark for this jacket … Useful english dictionary
wind·break — /ˈwındˌbreık/ noun, pl breaks [count] : something (such as a fence or group of trees) that protects an area from the wind … Useful english dictionary
Wind·break·er — /ˈwındˌbreıkɚ/ trademark used for a light jacket that protects you from the wind … Useful english dictionary
wind-break — … Useful english dictionary
Break Like The Wind — Album par Spinal Tap Sortie 1992 Genre(s) heavy metal Label Universal Music Albums de … Wikipédia en Français
break — ► VERB (past broke; past part. broken) 1) separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain. 2) make or become inoperative; stop working. 3) interrupt (a continuity, sequence, or course). 4) fail to observe (a law, regulation, or… … English terms dictionary
wind breaker — wind break|er [ˈwınd ˌbreıkə US ər] n AmE windcheater [ˈwındˌtʃi:tə US ər] BrE a type of coat that protects you from the wind … Dictionary of contemporary English
break wind — verb expel intestinal gases through the anus • Syn: ↑fart • Derivationally related forms: ↑fart (for: ↑fart), ↑farting (for: ↑fart) … Useful english dictionary