wind harp
Смотреть что такое "wind harp" в других словарях:
wind harp — n. AEOLIAN HARP … English World dictionary
wind harp — noun a harp having strings tuned in unison; they sound when wind passes over them • Syn: ↑aeolian harp, ↑aeolian lyre • Hypernyms: ↑harp * * * noun : aeolian harp * * * /wind/. See … Useful english dictionary
wind harp — /wind/. See aeolian harp. [1805 15] * * * … Universalium
wind harp — /ˈwɪnd hap/ (say wind hahp) noun → aeolian harp …
wind harp — noun Date: 1813 aeolian harp … New Collegiate Dictionary
Harp — A medieval harp (left) and a single action pedal harp (right) String instrument Hornbostel–Sachs classification 322 5 (Composite chordophone sounded by the bare fingers) … Wikipedia
harp — n 1. lyre, Kithara, jew s harp, aeolian or wind harp. 2.Slang. harmonica, harmonicon, mouth organ, mouth harp, Chiefly Dial.French harp. v 3. harp on or upon dwell on, persist in, insist on, push, press, Sl. beat [s.o.] over the head; repeat, Inf … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Wind and wuthering — Album par Genesis Sortie Janvier 1977 Enregistrement Septembre Octobre 1976 Genre(s) rock progressif Label … Wikipédia en Français
Wind music — has two different meanings: #music written for wind instruments #music produced using the wind (rather than, say, breath). These are chiefly string instruments, such as the Aeolian harp, but some woodwinds are also known.References*… … Wikipedia
Wind and Wuthering — Album par Genesis Sortie 7 janvier 1977 Enregistrement Septembre Octobre 1976 Genre rock progressif Producteur … Wikipédia en Français
Aeolian harp — An aeolian harp (or æolian harp or wind harp) is a musical instrument that is played by the wind. It is named for Aeolus, the ancient Greek god of the wind. History Aeolian harps were very popular as household instruments during the Romantic Era … Wikipedia