wind clock
Смотреть что такое "wind clock" в других словарях:
Clock Tower 3 — North American box art Developer(s) Capcom Production Studio 3 Sunsoft … Wikipedia
Wind power in Australia — is clean and renewable and a typical wind turbine can meet the energy needs of up to 1000 homes. The technology is proven, fast to build and economical compared with other renewable energy technologies. [… … Wikipedia
wind — wind1 [wīnd] vt. wound or Rare winded, winding [ME winden < OE windan, akin to ON vinda, Ger winden < IE base * wendh , to turn, wind, twist > Arm gind, a ring] 1. a) to turn, or make revolve [to wind a crank] b) to move by or as if by… … English World dictionary
clock — ► NOUN 1) an instrument that measures and indicates the time by means of a dial or a digital display. 2) informal a measuring device resembling a clock, such as a speedometer. ► VERB informal 1) attain or register (a specified time, distance, or… … English terms dictionary
Wind — Wind, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wound} (wound) (rarely {Winded}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Winding}.] [OE. winden, AS. windan; akin to OS. windan, D. & G. winden, OHG. wintan, Icel. & Sw. vinda, Dan. vinde, Goth. windan (in comp.). Cf. {Wander}, {Wend}.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wind up something — wind up (something) to end or finish something. The meeting just wound up, so let s go to lunch now. We should be able to wind the discussion up by 10 o clock … New idioms dictionary
wind up — (something) to end or finish something. The meeting just wound up, so let s go to lunch now. We should be able to wind the discussion up by 10 o clock … New idioms dictionary
Clock code — The clock code is a method of mentally computing the sine of an angle between zero and sixty degrees. Pilots sometimes need to do this to estimate the heading correction due to the wind, and sailors may find it useful to do the same thing to… … Wikipedia
clock — I n. 1) to regulate, set; wind a clock 2) to advance a clock; or: to set, turn a clock ahead (by one hour) 3) to set, turn a clock back (by ten minutes) 4) an alarm; cuckoo; electric; grandfather; wall clock 5) a biological clock 6) a clock is… … Combinatory dictionary
wind — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a air in more or less rapid natural motion, esp. from an area of high pressure to one of low pressure. b a current of wind blowing from a specified direction or otherwise defined (north wind; contrary wind). 2 a breath as needed… … Useful english dictionary
wind — wind1 [ wınd ] noun *** 1. ) count or uncount a natural current of air that moves fast enough for you to feel it: A cold wind blew and the rain fell in torrents. We ll head back to the shore if the wind picks up (=gets stronger). The helicopter… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English