Смотреть что такое "willowed" в других словарях:
Willowed — Wil lowed, a. Abounding with willows; containing willows; covered or overgrown with willows. Willowed meads. Collins. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
willowed — ˈwilōd adjective Etymology: willow (I) + ed : edged with or abounding in willows elm lined roads and willowed backwaters Elizabeth Pennell … Useful english dictionary
willowed — wil·low || wɪləʊ n. any of a number of deciduous trees having long flexible branches; cricket bat (made from the wood of a willow); machine with a spiked drum used for cleaning and loosening fibers (especially cotton and wool fibers) v.… … English contemporary dictionary
willowed — wil·lowed … English syllables
Bağdat Avenue — ( tr. Bağdat Caddesi, literally Baghdad Avenue ) is a notable high street located in the Anatolian part of İstanbul, Turkey. It can be seen as the counterpart of Istiklal Avenue on the European side in terms of importance and glamour. The avenue… … Wikipedia
Yao Shouzhong — The Chinese poet Yao Shouzhong 姚守中 is thought to have been from the city of Luoyang 洛陽 in present Henan 河南. He dates are unclear. However, he seems to have been the nephew of the writer and official Yao Sui 姚燧 who lived from 1238 to 1313. Yao… … Wikipedia