- wilful misrepresentation
- намеренное, умышленное введение в заблуждение;
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Meaning of life — This article is about the philosophical concept. For other uses, see Meaning of life (disambiguation). Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? One of Post Impressionist Paul Gauguin s most famous paintings. The meaning of life… … Wikipedia
Zosimus — ( fl. 490s 510s) was a Byzantine historian, who lived in Constantinople during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius I (491 518). According to Photius, he was a comes , and held the office of advocate of the imperial treasury. Historia… … Wikipedia
Age of Liberty — The Age of Liberty ( sv. Frihetstiden) is the half a century long experiment with a parliamentary system and increasing Civil Rights in the period from Charles XII s death in 1718 to Gustav III s coup d état in 1772. The shift of power from the… … Wikipedia
Caps (party) — The Caps (Mössorna) were a political faction during the Age of Liberty (1719 1772) in Sweden. The primary rivals of the Caps were known as the Hats. The Hats are actually responsible for the Caps name, as it comes from a contraction of Night cap … Wikipedia
Military history of Sweden — History of Sweden Prehistoric Viking Age 800–1050 Consolidation Middle Ages 1050–1397 … Wikipedia
Columbus — Christopher Columbus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Christopher Columbus (Italian CRISTOFORO COLOMBO; Spanish CRISTOVAL COLON.) Born at Genoa, or on Genoese territory, probably 1451; died at Valladolid, Spain, 20 May 1506. His… … Catholic encyclopedia
Christopher Columbus — Christopher Columbus † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Christopher Columbus (Italian CRISTOFORO COLOMBO; Spanish CRISTOVAL COLON.) Born at Genoa, or on Genoese territory, probably 1451; died at Valladolid, Spain, 20 May 1506. His… … Catholic encyclopedia
falsification — noun a) the act of falsifying, or making false; a counterfeiting; the giving to a thing an appearance of something which it is not b) knowingly false statement or wilful misrepresentation … Wiktionary
court of conscience — An English court for the collection of small debts; a court of equity. Harper v Clayton, 84 Md 346, 35 A 1083. A court of equity is a court of conscience, and whatever, therefore, is unconscionable is odious in its sight. Fraud is more odious… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Dimmock v Hallett — Court Court of Appeal in Chancery Date decided 13 November 1866 Citation(s) (1866 67) LR 2 Ch App 21 Case opinions Sir GJ Turner LJ and Sir HM Cairns LJ Dimmock v Hallett (1866 67) LR 2 Ch App 21 is an … Wikipedia
Denialism — is choosing to deny reality as a way to avoid an uncomfortable truth:[1] [it] is the refusal to accept an empirically verifiable reality. It is an essentially irrational action that withholds validation of a historical experience or event .[2] In … Wikipedia