- wilful child
- своевольный ребенок Syn : self-willed child, wayward child
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
wilful — wil|ful BrE willful AmE [ˈwılfəl] adj 1.) continuing to do what you want, even after you have been told to stop used to show disapproval ▪ a wilful child 2.) wilful damage/disobedience/exaggeration etc deliberate damage etc, when you know that… … Dictionary of contemporary English
wilful — BrE, willful AmE adjective 1 continuing to do what you want, even after you have been told to stop: a wilful child 2 wilful damage/disobedience/exaggeration etc deliberate damage etc, when you know that what you are doing is wrong wilfully adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
wilful — adjective 1) wilful destruction Syn: deliberate, intentional, premeditated, planned, conscious 2) a wilful child Syn: headstrong, strong willed, obstinate, stubborn, pig headed, rec … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
Child destruction — is the name of a statutory offence in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Hong Kong. The offence of that name has been abolished and replaced in Victoria. Child destruction is the crime of killing an unborn but viable fetus; that is, a child… … Wikipedia
child — n. 1) to adopt; bear, give birth to, have a child (she had four children) 2) to carry a child (a mother carries a child for nine months) 3) to beget; conceive a child 4) to bring up, raise, rear a child 5) to feed; nurse; wean a child 6) to… … Combinatory dictionary
child — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ little, small, young ▪ My father died while I was still a small child. ▪ newborn ▪ teenage ▪ … Collocations dictionary
wilful — adj. Wilful/willful is used with these nouns: ↑act, ↑child, ↑damage, ↑disobedience, ↑ignorance, ↑murder, ↑neglect, ↑obstruction, ↑perversity, ↑refusal … Collocations dictionary
wilful neglect of child — An act of omission by a parent in reference to the care and support of a child which is deliberate and intentional, not by accident or inadvertence. 39 Am J1st P & C § 107. See neglect of child … Ballentine's law dictionary
The Willful Child — The Wilful Child ( de. Das eigensinnige Kind) is a German fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm as tale number 117. [Jacob and Wilheim Grimm, Household Tales , [http://www.surlalunefairytales.com/authors/grimms/117wilfullchild.html The… … Wikipedia
neglected child — A child not cared for in the manner that the circumstances justly demand whether the failure lies in a wilful or unintentional disregard of duty, comprehending not alone a denial of that which is necessary to satisfy ordinary physical needs, but… … Ballentine's law dictionary
neglect of child — The want of reasonable care of a child by the parent, that is, the omission of such steps as a reasonable parent would take, such as are usually taken in the ordinary experience of mankind, provided the parent has such means as would enable him… … Ballentine's law dictionary