- wildly
- дико wildly ramified extension ≈ бурно разветвленное расширение - wildly embedded - wildly imbedded - wildly ramified Дико
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Wildly — Wild ly, adv. In a wild manner; without cultivation; with disorder; rudely; distractedly; extravagantly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wildly — wild|ly [ waıldli ] adverb * 1. ) in an uncontrolled way: Italian fans cheered wildly. The dollar fluctuated wildly against the yen. 2. ) extremely: used for emphasizing what you are saying: The figures are wildly inaccurate. a wildly successful… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wildly */ — UK [ˈwaɪldlɪ] / US adverb 1) in an uncontrolled way Italian fans cheered wildly. The dollar fluctuated wildly against the yen. 2) extremely: used for emphasizing what you are saying a wildly successful film The figures are wildly inaccurate … English dictionary
wildly — adverb Date: 14th century 1. in a wild manner < was talking wildly > 2. extremely 2 < wildly popular > < wildly enthusiastic > … New Collegiate Dictionary
wildly — wild|ly [ˈwaıldli] adv 1.) in a very uncontrolled or excited way ▪ The audience cheered wildly. 2.) extremely ▪ The band is wildly popular in Cuba. ▪ wildly inaccurate statements … Dictionary of contemporary English
wildly — [[t]wa͟ɪldli[/t]] ADV GRADED: usu ADV adj, also ADV after v (emphasis) You use wildly to emphasize the degree, amount, or intensity of something. → See also wild Here again, the community and police have wildly different stories of what happened … English dictionary
wildly — adverb 1. to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree (Freq. 11) the storyline is wildly unrealistic • Derived from adjective: ↑wild 2. in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner (Freq. 4) He gesticulated wildly • D … Useful english dictionary
wildly — adv. Wildly is used with these adjectives: ↑ambitious, ↑disproportionate, ↑diverse, ↑eccentric, ↑entertaining, ↑enthusiastic, ↑erratic, ↑excessive, ↑excited, ↑exciting, ↑extravagant … Collocations dictionary
wildly — [ˈwaɪldli] adv 1) in an uncontrolled way Italian fans cheered wildly.[/ex] 2) extremelyused for emphasizing what you are saying The figures are wildly inaccurate.[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
wildly — wild ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of animals or plants) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. 2) (of people) not civilized. 3) (of scenery or a region) desolate looking. 4) uncontrolled; unrestrained. 5) not based on… … English terms dictionary
Wildly Available — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: Wilde Nächte – Leidenschaft ohne Tabus Originaltitel: Wildly Available Produktionsland: USA Erscheinungsjahr: 1999 Länge: 98 Minuten Originalsprache: Englisch … Deutsch Wikipedia