wiggle one's hips

wiggle one's hips
покачивать бедрами

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wiggle one's hips" в других словарях:

  • wiggle — v 1. wriggle, move from side to side, move around, squirm, writhe, twist; wiggle or move one s hips, swivel one s hips, shake, shimmy, (both in dance) grind, bump and grind. 2. wobble, waggle, shake, quiver, move, jerk, twitch …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • List of songs by American artists which reached number-one on the UK Singles Chart — This is a list of number one hits by American artists in the United Kingdom on the UK Singles Chart (). 1990# New Kids on the Block Hangin Tough #:January 7 for 2 weeks # Madonna Vogue #:April 8 for 4 weeks # Partners in KRYME Turtle Power #:July …   Wikipedia

  • hip — I adj. (slang) aware hip to II n. to shake, sway, wiggle one s hips * * * [hɪp] sway wiggle one s hips (slang) [ aware ] hip to for hip to shake …   Combinatory dictionary

  • dance — v 1. step to the music, shuffle one s feet, Sl. shake your booties, Sl. hoof or hoof it, Sl. boogie, trip the light fantastic, Sl. cut a rug; move to the music, rock, reel, sway, swing; whirl, twirl, spin, turn around, pirouette; glide, slide. 2 …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • jig — n 1. hornpipe, fling, Highland fling, reel, rig adoon, folk dance. v 2. dance a jig, bob up and down, bobble, bounce, jounce, jiggle, joggle, shake; wiggle, wriggle, Sl. wiggle one s hips; twist, turn, jerk, flounce; hop, skip, leap, jump about …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • jiggle — v joggle, jog, jostle, shake, agitate, rock, vibrate, wobble, waggle, move to and fro; jerk, jolt, twitch, pluck, pull, tug, yank. 2. bob, bobble, bounce, jounce, jig; wiggle, wriggle, Sl. wiggle one s hips; twist, turn, flounce …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • dance — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Motion to music Nouns 1. dance, dancing; ball, formal, tea dance, thé dansant, cotillion, promenade, dinner dance; masquerade, masked ball, bal masqué, fancy dress ball. Informal, drag, hop, prom, mixer …   English dictionary for students

  • sashay — I (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) v. strut, swagger, parade, glide, roll one s hips, wiggle pertly, slink, sway, bounce. see walk II (Roget s Thesaurus II) verb Informal. To walk with exaggerated or unnatural motions expressive of self importance or… …   English dictionary for students

  • Norman Smiley — Smiley (right) in a match with Billy Kidman Ring name(s) Black Magic[1] Lord Norman Norman Smiley …   Wikipedia

  • ARIA Charts — The ARIA charts are the main Australian music sales charts, issued weekly by the Australian Recording Industry Association. The charts are a record of the highest selling singles and albums in various genres in Australia. ARIA commenced compiling …   Wikipedia

  • Toot Braunstein — Drawn Together character name=Toot Braunstein gender=Female race=White hair=Black age=22 height=5 feet 1 frac12; inches job=Pin up girl sexuality=Heterosexual religion=Jewish voice actor=Tara Strong =Aya HisakawaToot Braunstein is a fictional… …   Wikipedia

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