- wifedom
- замужество, положение замужней женщины супружеские добродетели (женщины) (собирательнле) жены, замужние женщины
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
wifedom — index coverture Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
wifedom — … Useful english dictionary
wife — wifedom, n. wifeless, adj. wifelessness, n. /wuyf/, n., pl. wives /wuyvz/, v., wifed, wifing. n. 1. a woman joined in marriage to a man; a woman considered in relation to her husband; spouse. 2. a woman (archaic or dial., except in idioms): old… … Universalium
Alais, Yselda, and Carenza — Alais and Yselda (or Iselda, from Isold) were two young noble trobairitz, probably sisters or nuns, who wrote an Occitan tenso with an elderly woman named Carenza. Their poem beings Na Carenza al bel cors avinen ( Lady Carenza of the lovely,… … Wikipedia
coverture — cov·er·ture / kə vər ˌchu̇r, chər/ n [Anglo French, literally, shelter, covering, from Old French, from covert, past participle of covrir to cover]: the inclusion of a woman in the legal person of her husband upon marriage under common law ◇… … Law dictionary
wife — /waɪf / (say wuyf) noun (plural wives /waɪvz / (say wuyvz)) 1. a woman joined in marriage to a man. 2. Archaic a woman: the wife of Bath. {Middle English; Old English wīf woman, wife} –wifedom, noun –wifeless, adjective –wifelessness …