wide-angle camera

wide-angle camera
широкоугольный фотоаппарат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wide-angle camera" в других словарях:

  • wide-angle — /wuyd ang geuhl/, adj. Photog. 1. of or pertaining to a lens having a relatively wide angle of view, generally 45° or more, and a focal length of less than 50 mm. 2. employing, or made with, a wide angle lens: a wide angle camera; a wide angle… …   Universalium

  • wide-angle —    , wide angle lens, wide angle shot    Wide angle refers to a view that has or covers a field of vision (an angle of view) wider than the ordinary, to an angle of 50° or greater, as when seen through a lens of shorter than normal (50 mm) focal… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • wide-angle — [wīd′aŋ΄gəl] adj. designating or of a kind of camera lens that covers a wider angle of view than the ordinary lens …   English World dictionary

  • Wide-Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner — (WAOSS ) ist der Name der Weitwinkel Stereokamera, die unter anderem bei der russischen Tiefraummission Mars 96 eingesetzt wurde. Auf dieser Mission wurden zwei sich gegenseitig ergänzende deutsche Kameras installiert, die WAOSS und die HRSC… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • wide-angle lens — n a camera ↑lens that lets you take photographs with a wider view than normal …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wide-angle lens — noun count a type of camera LENS that gives a wider view than a normal lens …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Wide-angle lens — In photography and cinematography, a wide angle lens is a lens whose focal length is substantially shorter than the focal length of a normal lens for the image size produced by the camera, whether this is dictated by the dimensions of the image… …   Wikipedia

  • wide-angle lens — noun a camera lens having a wider than normal angle of view (and usually a short focal length); produces an image that is foreshortened in the center and increasingly distorted in the periphery • Syn: ↑fisheye lens • Hypernyms: ↑camera lens,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • wide-angle lens — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms wide angle lens : singular wide angle lens plural wide angle lenses a type of camera lens that gives a wider view than a normal lens …   English dictionary

  • wide-angle — /ˈwaɪd æŋgəl/ (say wuyd angguhl) adjective (in photography) denoting or relating to a camera lens with a wide angle of view (up to 100°) and a short focal length …  

  • wide-angle lens — noun (C) a camera lens (2) that lets you take photographs with a wider view than normal …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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