wide street

wide street
широкая улица Syn : broad street

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wide street" в других словарях:

  • wide´ness — wide «wyd», adjective, wid|er, wid|est, adverb, noun. –adj. 1. filling more space from side to side than the usual thing of the same sort; not narrow; broad: »a wide street, a wide hall …   Useful english dictionary

  • Street suffix — A street suffix is the word that follows the name of a street to further describe that street. Some examples in the United States, other than street, are avenue, road, drive, and lane.GuidelinesStreets running east and west are called drives or… …   Wikipedia

  • wide - broad — Something that is wide or broad measures a large distance from one side to the other. You can say that something such as a street or river is wide or broad. Wide is more common in conversation. There were no shops on this wide street …   Useful english dictionary

  • wide — [[t]waɪd[/t]] adj. wid•er, wid•est, adv. 1) of great extent from side to side; broad: a wide street[/ex] 2) having a specified extent from side to side: three feet wide[/ex] 3) vast; spacious: the wide plains[/ex] 4) of great range or scope: a… …   From formal English to slang

  • street island — /ˈstrit aɪlənd/ (say street uyluhnd) noun an area set aside between two carriageways in a wide street, usually as a pedestrian refuge. Also, island …  

  • Street children — is a term used to refer to children who live on the streets. They are deprived of family care and protection. Most children on the streets are between the ages of 10 and 14 years old, and their populace between different cities is varied.Street… …   Wikipedia

  • Street photography — is a type of documentary photography that features subjects in candid situations within public places such as streets, parks, beaches, malls, political conventions, and other settings. Overview Street photography uses the techniques of straight… …   Wikipedia

  • Street food — is food obtainable from a streetside vendor, often from a makeshift or portable stall. While some street foods are regional, many are not, having spread beyond their region of origin. The food and green groceries sold in farmers markets may also… …   Wikipedia

  • Street press — is a term used to describe a certain type of publishing, between zines and magazines/newspapers in terms of distribution, content and sudience. They are particularly prolific in Australia, although there are also some examples from Europe and… …   Wikipedia

  • Street hockey — Photoshopped photo of teenagers playing street hockey. Highest governing body International Street and Ball Hockey Federation (International) International DekHockey Tournament Association (United States) Nickname(s) …   Wikipedia

  • Street of the Prophets — Street sign from the British Mandate era. Street of the Prophets (Hebrew: רחוב הנביאים‎, Rehov HaNevi im) is an east west axis road in Jerusalem beginning outside Damascus Gate and ending at Davidka Square. Located to the north of Jaffa Road …   Wikipedia

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