wicker demijohn

wicker demijohn
оплетенная бутыль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wicker demijohn" в других словарях:

  • demijohn — [dem′ijän΄] n. [Fr dame jeanne, demijohn, lit., Dame Jeanne: prob. orig. a fanciful name for the bottle] a large bottle of glass or earthenware, with a narrow neck and a wicker casing …   English World dictionary

  • demijohn — 1769, partial translation and word play from Fr. damejeanne (late 17c.) Lady Jane, term used for large globular wicker wrapped bottle, perhaps because its shape suggested a stout woman in the costume of the period. A general Mediterranean word,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • demijohn —   n. large bottle with wicker case …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • demijohn — n. a bulbous narrow necked bottle holding from 3 to 10 gallons and usu. in a wicker cover. Etymology: prob. corrupt. of F dame jeanne Lady Jane, assim. to DEMI + the name John …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mama Juana — For the band, see Mamajuana (band). Mama Juana is a drink from the Dominican Republic that is concocted by allowing rum, red wine, and honey to soak in a bottle with tree bark and herbs. The taste is quite similar to port wine and the color is a… …   Wikipedia

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