- whoop-de-doodle
- (сленг) шумиха;
раздувание (славы, достоинства) ;
грубая лесть
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Mopatop's Shop — Genre Children s television series Directed by Simon Spencer Tom Poole Ian McLean Starring Mak Wilson (Season One Two) William Todd Jones (Season Three Four) Victoria Willing Nigel Plaskitt Brian Herring Susan Beattie … Wikipedia
call — Synonyms and related words: Angelus, Angelus bell, DDD, accompany, address, adjuration, adumbrate, alarm, alarum, allurement, animal noise, ante, ante up, antecedents, apostleship, apostrophize, appeal, appeal to, appraise, appreciate,… … Moby Thesaurus
hoot — Synonyms and related words: Bronx, Bronx cheer, a continental, a curse, a damn, a darn, a hoot, bagatelle, bark, battle cry, bauble, bawl, bean, bellow, bibelot, bird, bit, boo, booing, brass farthing, button, cackle, call, carol, catcall,… … Moby Thesaurus
cry — v 1. weep, shed tears, boohoo, sob; bawl, blubber, whimper, mewl, pule, whine, snivel; moan, wail, groan, ululate; lament, mourn, bewail, keen. 2. shout, yell, Inf. holler, squall, yowl, bellow, whoop; roar, rend the air, howl; scream, shriek,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
List of animal sounds — This is a list of animal sounds, sounds made by animals. First verbs used to label animal sounds are listed, followed by figures of speech that imitate those sounds. Please note that these lists are only valid for the English language, as… … Wikipedia
clarion — Synonyms and related words: English horn, alpenhorn, alphorn, althorn, alto horn, bagpipe, ballad horn, baritone, bass horn, bassoon, bay, beep, bell, blare, blast, blat, block flute, blow, blow a horn, blow the horn, bombard, bourdon, brass… … Moby Thesaurus
paint — Synonyms and related words: Zanzibar copal, adorn, air brush, anime, apply, apply paint, array, art paper, base, bay, bayard, bead, beautify, bedaub, bedeck, bedizen, begild, bejewel, beribbon, besmear, bespangle, blazon, bring to life, brush,… … Moby Thesaurus
squawk — Synonyms and related words: air a grievance, bark, bawl, beef, beefing, bellow, bellyache, bellyaching, bitch, bitching, blare, blat, blubber, boggle, boom, boycott, bray, breathe, buzz, cackle, call, call in question, carol, caterwaul, caw,… … Moby Thesaurus
noise — n 1. sound, clamor, din, hubbub, babel, racket; ballyhoo, outcry, bawl, hue and cry, vociferation; cacophony, dissonance, discord; uproar, hullabaloo, clangor, fracas, bedlam, tumult, pandemonium, turmoil, commotion, bluster, rumpus, Inf. ruckus; … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
crow — [v] brag, exult babble, blow, bluster, boast, cackle, caw, cock a doodle doo*, cry, flourish, gas, gloat, glory in, gurgle, jubilate, mouth, prate, puff, rodomontade, squawk, strut, swagger, triumph, vaunt, whoop; concept 49 … New thesaurus