Смотреть что такое "white-haired" в других словарях:
white-haired — [hwīt′herd΄, wīt′herd΄] adj. 1. having white or very light hair 2. Informal FAIR HAIRED (sense 2) … English World dictionary
white-haired — ADJ Someone who is white haired has white hair, usually because they are old … English dictionary
white-haired — /ˈwaɪt hɛəd/ (say wuyt haird) adjective 1. having grey hair, especially as a mark of old age. 2. Also, white headed. Colloquial favourite; darling: a white haired boy …
white-haired boy — «HWYT HAIRD», Informal. a favorite; fair haired boy: »At the moment [he] is the white haired boy of the London theatre (New York Times) … Useful english dictionary
white-haired — adjective 1. favorite the fair haired boy of the literary set • Syn: ↑blue eyed, ↑fair haired • Similar to: ↑loved • Usage Domain: ↑colloquialism 2 … Useful english dictionary
white-haired — /hwuyt haird , wuyt /, adj. 1. having white hair. 2. white headed (def. 3). [1350 1400; ME; see WHITE, HAIR, ED3] * * * … Universalium
The White Haired Girl — (Chinese:白毛女; pinyin: Bái Máo Nǚ) is a Chinese opera and ballet by Yan Jinxuan to a Chinese libretto. The first opera performance was in 1945. The first ballet performance was by Shanghai Dance Academy, Shanghai in 1965.Along with Red Detachment… … Wikipedia
White Mane — Promotional poster Directed by Albert Lamorisse Produced by Albert La … Wikipedia
white — Synonyms and related words: American Indian, Amerind, Australian aborigine, Bourbon, Bushman, Caucasian, Chinese white, Indian, Malayan, Mister Charley, Mongolian, Negrillo, Negrito, Negro, Oriental, Red Indian, WASP, achroma, achromasia,… … Moby Thesaurus
white — adj 1. snowy, snow white, niveous, ivory, creamy; milky, milk white, opalescent, opaline, pearly, nacreous; marble, marmoreal; chalky, chalk white, cretaceous; whitish, albescent; white hot, candent. 2. light skinned, Caucasoid, Caucasian. 3.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
white-headed — /hwuyt hed id, wuyt /, adj. 1. white haired (def. 1). 2. having fair or flaxen hair. 3. being especially favored; fair haired: He s the company s white headed boy. [1515 25] * * * … Universalium