white paste
Смотреть что такое "white paste" в других словарях:
Paste up — refers to a method of creating, or laying out, publication pages that predates the use of the now standard computerized page design desktop publishing programs. Completed, or camera ready, pages are known as mechanicals or mechanical art. In the… … Wikipedia
White House Chief Floral Designer — White House Chief Florist Nancy Clarke completes an arrangement of white lilies, white roses, hydrangea, and limes before a dinner in the State Dining Room … Wikipedia
white mustard — n. an annual mustard (Brassica hirta) that has seeds which are ground and made into a paste used as a condiment * * * … Universalium
white mustard — n. an annual mustard (Brassica hirta) that has seeds which are ground and made into a paste used as a condiment … English World dictionary
paste — /payst/, n., v., pasted, pasting. n. 1. a mixture of flour and water, often with starch or the like, used for causing paper or other material to adhere to something. 2. any soft, smooth, and plastic material or preparation. 3. dough, esp. when… … Universalium
paste — n 1. adhesive, adherent, binding, binder; cement, gum, library paste, lime, luting, lute, mastic, mucilage, putty, rubber cement, glue, plaster, adhesive plaster, Sl. stickum, Sl. gunk; parget, plaster of Paris. 2. compound, blend, concoction,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
paste — Synonyms and related words: Italian paste, adherent, adhesive, admixture, agglutinate, albumen, alloy, amalgam, bang, barnacle, bash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, biff, bijouterie, bind, blank, blend, bonk, bonnyclabber, box, bramble … Moby Thesaurus
White mustard — taxobox name = White Mustard regnum = Plantae unranked divisio = Angiosperms unranked classis = Eudicots unranked ordo = Rosids ordo = Brassicales familia = Brassicaceae genus = Sinapis species = S. alba binomial = Sinapis alba |White mustard (… … Wikipedia
paste print — noun : an impression made in glutinous ink or upon a thick paste from a white line engraving or metal cut … Useful english dictionary
white mustard — Mustard Mus tard, n. [OF. moustarde, F. moutarde, fr. L. mustum must, mustard was prepared for use by being mixed with must. See {Must}, n.] 1. (Bot.) The name of several cruciferous plants of the genus {Brassica} (formerly {Sinapis}), as {white… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
white lead — noun Date: 15th century any of several white lead containing pigments; especially a heavy poisonous basic carbonate of lead marketed as a powder or as a paste in linseed oil and used especially formerly in paints … New Collegiate Dictionary