white hot
Смотреть что такое "white hot" в других словарях:
white-hot — adj 1.) white hot metal is so hot that it shines white 2.) involving a lot of activity or strong feelings ▪ white hot passion … Dictionary of contemporary English
white-hot — adjective 1. ) white hot metal is extremely hot 2. ) INFORMAL extremely impressive or exciting … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
White-hot — a. White with heat; heated to whiteness, or incandescence. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
white-hot — white′ hot′ adj. 1) extremely hot 2) showing white heat 3) exceedingly enthusiastic; impassioned • Etymology: 1810–20 … From formal English to slang
white-hot — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ so hot as to glow white … English terms dictionary
white-hot — [hwīt′hät′, wīt′hät′] adj. 1. having a temperature at which material glows white 2. extremely angry, excited, enthusiastic, etc … English World dictionary
White hot — For information on materials glowing white due to temperature, see Incandescence. The white hot is a variation on the hot dog eaten mostly in the Rochester, New York area. It is composed of some combination of uncured and unsmoked pork, beef, and … Wikipedia
white-hot — adjective 1. intensely zealous or fervid fierce white hot loyalty • Similar to: ↑hot 2. glowing white with heat white flames a white hot center of the fire • Syn: ↑white … Useful english dictionary
white-hot — /hwuyt hot , wuyt /, adj. 1. extremely hot. 2. showing white heat. 3. exceedingly enthusiastic, ardent, angry, devoted, etc.; impassioned; perfervid: a fierce, white hot loyalty to the king. [1810 20] * * * … Universalium
white-hot — ADJ If something is white hot, it is extremely hot. It is important to get the coals white hot before you start … English dictionary
white-hot — adjective Date: 1795 1. being at or radiating white heat 2. a. extremely hot b. exhibiting or marked by extreme fervor or zeal < white hot enthusiasm > … New Collegiate Dictionary