- whispering campaign
- ˈwɪspərɪŋkæmˈpeɪn распространение ложных слухов про своего противника
клеветническая кампания (военное) распространение слухов;
"война слухов"
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
whispering campaign — ☆ whispering campaign n. the organized dissemination of defamatory rumors by word of mouth, intended to discredit a political candidate, group, cause, etc … English World dictionary
whispering campaign — noun the organized dissemination of derogatory rumors designed to discredit a candidate • Hypernyms: ↑campaigning, ↑candidacy, ↑candidature, ↑electioneering, ↑political campaign * * * noun, pl ⋯ paigns [count] : an effort to spread rumors about… … Useful english dictionary
whispering campaign — UK [ˈwɪspərɪŋ kæmˌpeɪn] / US / US [ˈhwɪspərɪŋ kæmˌpeɪn] noun [countable] Word forms whispering campaign : singular whispering campaign plural whispering campaigns a process in which someone secretly organizes for people to say unpleasant things… … English dictionary
whispering campaign — {n.} The spreading of false rumors, or saying bad things, about a person or group, especially in politics or public life. * /A bad man has started a whispering campaign against the mayor, saying that he isn t honest./ … Dictionary of American idioms
whispering campaign — {n.} The spreading of false rumors, or saying bad things, about a person or group, especially in politics or public life. * /A bad man has started a whispering campaign against the mayor, saying that he isn t honest./ … Dictionary of American idioms
whispering\ campaign — noun the spreading of false rumors, or saying bad things, about a person or group, especially in politics or public life. A bad man has started a whispering campaign against the mayor, saying that he isn t honest … Словарь американских идиом
whispering campaign — whispering cam.paign n a situation in which someone privately spreads criticism about another person in order to make people have a bad opinion of them … Dictionary of contemporary English
whispering campaign — Synonyms and related words: aspersion, character assassination, dirt, dirty politics, gossip column, imputation, innuendo, insinuation, juicy morsel, last minute lie, malicious gossip, muckraking, mudslinging, mudslinging campaign, personal… … Moby Thesaurus
whispering campaign — quiet campaign, campaign that is not demonstrative in its efforts … English contemporary dictionary
whispering campaign — whis′pering campaign n. the organized spreading of insinuations or rumors to destroy the reputation of a person, group, etc … From formal English to slang
whispering campaign — noun Date: 1920 the systematic dissemination by word of mouth of derogatory rumors or charges especially against a candidate for public office … New Collegiate Dictionary