Смотреть что такое "whish" в других словарях:
whish — [hwish, wish] vi. [echoic] to move with a soft, rushing sound; whiz; swish n. a sound so made … English World dictionary
whish — I. verb Etymology: imitative Date: 1518 transitive verb to urge on or cause to move with a whish intransitive verb 1. to make a sibilant sound 2. to move with a whish especially at high speed < an elevator…whishes down to the lower level Natalie… … New Collegiate Dictionary
whish — /hwish, wish/, v.i., v.t. 1. to make, or move with, a whiz or swish. n. 2. a whishing sound. [1510 20; imit.] * * * … Universalium
whish — 1. noun /wɪʃ,ʍɪʃ/ A sibilant sound, especially that of rapid movement through the air. 2. verb /wɪʃ,ʍɪʃ/ To make such a sound … Wiktionary
whish — Synonyms and related words: assibilate, assibilation, bullet, buzz, crinkle, effervesce, effervescence, effervescing, fizz, fizzle, fizzling, fleet, flit, fly, frication, frictional rustling, hiss, hissing, hush, hushing, lisp, rhonchus, rustle,… … Moby Thesaurus
whish — wish … American English homophones
whish — [[t](h)wɪʃ, wɪʃ[/t]] v. i. v. t. 1) to make or move with a rushing sound 2) a rushing sound • Etymology: 1510–20; imit … From formal English to slang
whish — /wɪʃ/ (say wish) verb (i) 1. to make, or move with, a whiz or swish. –noun 2. a whishing sound. {imitative} …
whish — verb 1. make a sibilant sound • Hypernyms: ↑sound, ↑go • Verb Frames: Something s Somebody s 2. move with a whishing sound The car whished past her … Useful english dictionary
C. M. Whish — Charles Matthew Whish (1794–1833) was an English civil servant in the Madras Establishment of the East India Company. Whish was the first to bring to the notice of the western mathematical scholarship the achievements of the Kerala school of… … Wikipedia
David Whish-Wilson — (b 1966) is an Australian author. He was born in Newcastle, NSW but raised in Singapore, Victoria and WA. He left Australia in 1984 to live in Europe, Africa and Asia, where he worked as a barman, actor, streetseller, labourer, exterminator,… … Wikipedia