
1. сущ.
1) юла, волчок
2) карусель Syn : merry-go-round, roundabout
3) водоворот, вихрь, вращение (тж. в переносном смысле - о смене событий, впечатлений и т.д.) whirligig of time
2. прил. вихревой Syn : vortical юла, кубарь, волчок игрушечная мельница-вертушка карусель кругообразное движение;
кружение, вращение;
водоворот водоворот (событий) ;
вихрь (жизни) ;
быстрая смена (впечатлений и т. п.) - the * of time превратности судьбы - the * of history круговорот истории причуда, чудачество вертеться, кружиться (как волчок) whirligig вихревой ~ водоворот (событий) ;
быстрая смена (впечатлений и т. п.) ;
whirligig of time превратности судьбы ~ карусель ~ юла, вертушка ~ водоворот (событий) ;
быстрая смена (впечатлений и т. п.) ;
whirligig of time превратности судьбы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "whirligig" в других словарях:

  • Whirligig — Whirl i*gig, n. [Whirl + gig.] [1913 Webster] 1. A child s toy, spun or whirled around like a wheel upon an axis, or like a top. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything which whirls around, or in which persons or things are whirled about, as a frame… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whirligig — ► NOUN 1) a toy that spins round, e.g. a top or windmill. 2) another term for ROUNDABOUT(Cf. ↑roundabout) (in sense 2). 3) (also whirligig beetle) a small black water beetle which typically swims rapidly in circles on the surface. ORIGIN from… …   English terms dictionary

  • whirligig — mid 15c., a child s toy, from WHIRL (Cf. whirl) (v.) + gig (see GIG (Cf. gig) (1)). Meaning anything in constant motion is from 1580s; fickle, flighty person is from c.1600; as a type of water beetle, from 1713 …   Etymology dictionary

  • whirligig — [hwʉrl′i gig΄, wʉrl′i gig΄] n. [ME whirlgigge: see WHIRL & GIG1] 1. a child s toy that whirls or spins, as a pinwheel 2. MERRY GO ROUND 3. something that seems to whirl, or revolve in a cycle 4. a whirling motion or …   English World dictionary

  • Whirligig — Segelschiffkarussel (Windspiel) Whirligig Kunsthandwerk …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Whirligig — A whirligig is an object that spins or whirls, or has at least one member that spins or whirls in the wind. The word, derived from the verb to whirl, is known in English since 1440, originally for various spinning toys. [The Oxford English… …   Wikipedia

  • whirligig — noun 1》 a toy that spins round, e.g. a top or windmill. 2》 another term for roundabout (in sense 2). 3》 a process or activity characterized by constant change or hectic activity: the whirligig of time. 4》 (also whirligig beetle) a small black… …   English new terms dictionary

  • whirligig — UK [ˈwɜː(r)lɪˌɡɪɡ] / US [ˈwɜrlɪˌɡɪɡ] / US [ˈhwɜrlɪˌɡɪɡ] noun [countable] Word forms whirligig : singular whirligig plural whirligigs 1) a small toy that spins 2) literary anything that changes continuously …   English dictionary

  • whirligig — /hwerr li gig , werr /, n. 1. something that whirls or revolves. 2. a whirling motion or course: the whirligig of fashion. 3. a giddy or flighty person. 4. Dial. a merry go round or carrousel. 5. a toy for whirling or spinning, as a top. [1400… …   Universalium

  • whirligig — noun /ˈwɜː.lɪ.ɡɪɡ,ˈwɝ.lɪ.ɡɪɡ/ a) Anything that whirls or spins around, such as a toy top. b) A whirligig beetle …   Wiktionary

  • whirligig — n. 1 a spinning or whirling toy. 2 a merry go round. 3 a revolving motion. 4 anything regarded as hectic or constantly changing (the whirligig of time). 5 any freshwater beetle of the family Gyrinidae that circles about on the surface. Etymology …   Useful english dictionary

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