
1. мест., книж.
1) относ., уст. посредством которого, чем Nonsense wherewith the haters of improvement would belabour the audacious innovators ≈ Вздор, при помощи которого противники прогресса душат смелых новаторов. That exquisite sweet malice wherewith French ladies so much delight to prickle their English sisters. ≈ Эти изящные колкости, которыми французские дамы так любят уколоть своих английских сестер Everybody talks of your success, wherewith I am pleased but not surprised. ≈ Все говорят о Вашем успехе, чему я радуюсь, но не удивляюсь. Syn : with which, by which, whereby
2) за счет чего, чем, чтобы (выступает в качестве особого "инструментального или причинного" союза/предлога, вводящего инфинитив ) special tools wherewith to design projects ≈ специальные средства проектирования Anemometer, a machine wherewith to measure the strength of the wind. ≈ Анемометр, устройство для измерения силы ветра. Here is wherewith to build the market economy ≈ Вот за счет чего мы построим рыночную экономику Without even a shirt of his own wherewith to cover his body. ≈ Не имеющий даже собственной рубашки, чтобы прикрыть тело.
3) то, посредством чего;
средство Heavily equipped in providing the wherewith to meet resistance. ≈ Тяжело снаряженный, чтобы иметь возможность подавлять сопротивление.
2. нареч.;
уст. чем, с помощью чего Syn : with (книжное) чем, с помощью чего - I have not the money * to pay them у меня нет денег, чтобы расплатиться с ними wherewith adv уст. чем, с помощью чего

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wherewith" в других словарях:

  • wherewith — [hwer with′, werwith′; hwerwith′, werwith′] adv. [ME wher with] Archaic with what? [wherewith shall he be saved?] conj. Archaic with which; by means of which [lacking the money wherewith to pay his debts] pron. Now Rare that with which [to have… …   English World dictionary

  • Wherewith — Where*with , adv. [1913 Webster] 1. With which; used relatively. [1913 Webster] The love wherewith thou hast loved me. John xvii. 26. [1913 Webster] 2. With what; used interrogatively. [1913 Webster] Wherewith shall I save Israel? Judg. vi. 15.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wherewith — Where*with , n. The necessary means or instrument. [1913 Webster] So shall I have wherewith to answer him. Ps. cxix. 42. [1913 Webster] The wherewith to meet excessive loss by radiation. H. Spencer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wherewith — I. pronoun Date: 13th century archaic that with or by which used with an infinitive < so shall I have wherewith to answer him Psalms 119:42 (Authorized Version) > II. adverb Date: 13th century obsolete with what < wherewith shall it be salted… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wherewith — 1. conjunction /ʍɝˈwɪð/ Out of which; by means of which. Zechariah 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem 2. adverb /ʍɝˈwɪð/ With which; with what. Matthew 5:13 Ye are… …   Wiktionary

  • wherewith — /wɛəˈwɪð/ (say wair widh), / ˈwɪθ/ (say with) conjunction 1. with what? 2. with what or which. 3. (by ellipsis) that with which: I shall have wherewith to answer her …  

  • wherewith — /hwair with , widh , wair /, adv., conj. 1. Literary. with which; by means of which. 2. Archaic. a. with what? b. because of which; by reason of which. c. whereupon; at which. pron. 3. Archaic. that by which; that with which. n. 4. Rare …   Universalium

  • wherewith — with what Forthright s Forsoothery …   Phrontistery dictionary

  • wherewith — adv. with what; how …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wherewith — related adverb formal or archaic with or by which …   English new terms dictionary

  • wherewith — ad. 1. With which, wherewithal. 2. With what …   New dictionary of synonyms

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