wheel chair
Смотреть что такое "wheel chair" в других словарях:
wheel|chair — «HWEEL CHAIR», noun, or wheel chair, a chair mounted on wheels. It is used especially by invalids and can be propelled by the person sitting in the chair … Useful english dictionary
wheel-chair race — vežimėlių lenktynės statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kūno negalios žmonių sporto varžybos – 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 5000, 10 000 m ir maratono nuotolių važiavimas vežimėliais (dažniausiai sportiniais). atitikmenys: angl.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
wheel chair — medical chair used for transportation when one cannot walk … English contemporary dictionary
wheel·chair — /ˈwiːlˌʧeɚ/ noun, pl chairs [count] : a chair with wheels that is used by people who cannot walk because they are disabled, sick, or injured He was in a wheelchair for several months after the accident. an entrance with wheelchair access [=an… … Useful english dictionary
WHEEL CHAIR — … Useful english dictionary
wheel-chair — … Useful english dictionary
chair|bound — «CHAIR BOWND», adjective. confined to a chair or wheel chair by a disability: »Although at that time completely chairbound or needing to be lifted bodily I had succeeded in getting down to…the sea (Manchester Guardian Weekly) … Useful english dictionary
wheel — Huila, pokaka a. Water wheel, huila wai. Disc wheel, huila kaulike. Wheel axis, iho huila. Ferris wheel, huila pōniuniu, ka a pōniuniu. Wheel chair, noho huila. To wheel a wheel chair, ho oholo i ka noho huila … English-Hawaiian dictionary
chair — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. chairperson, man, or woman, convenor, coordinator, moderator, speaker, master of ceremonies, MC, emcee, toastmaster, roastmaster (sl.); seat (See furniture); professorship, judgeship, fellowship. See… … English dictionary for students
Wheel — A wheel is a circular device that is capable of rotating on its axis, facilitating movement or transportation whilst supporting a load (mass), or performing labour in machines. A wheel, together with an axle overcomes friction by facilitating… … Wikipedia
Wheel clamp — A modern wheel clamp placed on a vehicle for a parking violation in Melbourne by the Victorian Sheriff; note the tyre spikes and panel preventing the vehicl … Wikipedia