what with

what with

1) вследствие;
из-за Syn : as for
2) парный союз или с сочинением в значении Introducing advb. phrases formed with prepositions (in the earliest periods chiefly for, later usually, now almost always, with) , implying (in early use only contextually) in consequence of, on account of, as a result of;
in view of, considering (one thing and another) '. What with one thing and another, I see that my work is well cut out for me. в связи с;
из-за - * summer time it was still broad daylight так, как было лето, еще было совсем светло - * his laziness he did almost nothing in his freshman year вследствие своей лени он почти не занимался на первом курсе

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "what with" в других словарях:

  • what with — ► what with because of. Main Entry: ↑what …   English terms dictionary

  • what with — preposition Etymology: what (II) : on account of what with summertime it was still broad daylight when, around half past eight, I entered the big living room Valentine Williams * * * what with Because of, considering • • • Main Entry: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • what with — {prep.} Because; as a result of. * /I couldn t visit you, what with the snowstorm and the cold I had./ * /What with dishes to wash and children to put to bed, mother was late to the meeting./ Compare: ON ACCOUNT OF …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • what with — {prep.} Because; as a result of. * /I couldn t visit you, what with the snowstorm and the cold I had./ * /What with dishes to wash and children to put to bed, mother was late to the meeting./ Compare: ON ACCOUNT OF …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • what\ with — prep. Because; as a result of. I couldn t visit you, what with the snowstorm and the cold I had. What with dishes to wash and children to put to bed, mother was late to the meeting. Compare: on account of …   Словарь американских идиом

  • what with — adverb Owing to; because of; as a result of. She was sleeping very badly these days, what with the new baby and all the activity surrounding him …   Wiktionary

  • what with — because, as a result of We wanted to go away for a holiday but what with the move to a new building and the expansion we are too busy to go anywhere …   Idioms and examples

  • what with — spoken used when you are giving a number of reasons for a particular situation or problem The police are having a difficult time, what with all the drugs and violence on our streets …   English dictionary

  • what with one thing and another — phrase used for referring to many different events in a way that is not specific You use this expression in order to explain why something did or did not happen What with one thing and another, I didn’t get home until after midnight. Thesaurus:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • what with one thing and another — used for referring to many different events in a way that is not specific. You use this expression in order to explain why something did or did not happen What with one thing and another, I didn t get home until after midnight …   English dictionary

  • what with — because of. → what …   English new terms dictionary

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