Смотреть что такое "whare" в других словарях:
Whare Ra — Whare Ra, is the name of the building which housed the New Zealand branch of the Order of the Stella Matutina. It was designed and made by one of New Zealand’s most famous architects, and a senior member of the Order, James Walter Chapman… … Wikipedia
whare — noun a) Maori hut We were on the brow of the hill, and below us there was a whare roofed in with corrugated iron. The Woman At The Store , from Selected Short Stories by Katherine Mansfield (first published in 1912) b) house … Wiktionary
Whare Kea Lodge and Chalet — (Ванака,Новая Зеландия) Категория отеля: 5 звездочный отель Адрес: 494 Mo … Каталог отелей
Whare whakairo — meeting house . Whare WhakairoAlso called a wharenui (literally big house ) or whare rūnanga ( meeting house ), the present form of these houses is said to have originated in the early to middle nineteenth century in Aotearoa (Māori for New… … Wikipedia
whare — [ wɒri] noun a Maori hut or house. Origin from Maori … English new terms dictionary
whare — wha·re … English syllables
whare — /ˈfɒri/ (say foree), /ˈwɒri / (say woree) noun 1. a Maori hut. 2. NZ any hut or makeshift home; bach; crib. {Maori} …
whare — n. a Maori hut or house. Etymology: Maori … Useful english dictionary
Dean Whare — Personal information Born 22 January 1990 (1990 01 22) (age 21) Rotorua … Wikipedia
Ngāti Whare — Iwi of New Zealand 250px Rohe (location) Population 3,560 Ngāti Whare is a Māori iwi of New Zealand. Ngati Whare are part of a group of tribes participating in the treelords Treaty of Waitangi … Wikipedia
State sector organisations in New Zealand — are as follows: (see also State Sector Act 1988) Parliamentary Offices * Office of the Controller and Auditor General (Tumuaki o te Mana Arotake) ** Audit New Zealand * Office of the Ombudsmen (Nga Kaitiaki Mana Tangata) * Office of the… … Wikipedia