Whacker — Whack er, n. [1913 Webster] 1. One who whacks. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 2. Anything very large; specif., a great lie; a whopper. [Colloq.] Halliwell. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
whacker — I. /ˈwækə/ (say wakuh) noun Colloquial someone who hits something, especially with force: he s a real whacker of the ball. {whack1 (def. 1) + er1} II. /ˈwækə/ (say wakuh) noun Colloquial …
whacker packer — /ˈwækə pækə/ (say wakuh pakuh) noun → plate compactor. Also, whacker. {trademark Wacker} …
whacker — noun see whack I … New Collegiate Dictionary
whacker — noun a) anything large; a whopper b) a wannabe Black man … Wiktionary
whacker — n 1. a whacky person, an irresponsible or eccentric individual 2. an alternative spelling of wack or wacker … Contemporary slang
whacker — whack·er || hwækÉ™r /wækÉ™ n. someone or something that whacks; outrageous lie (Slang); something large and impressive … English contemporary dictionary
whacker — whack·er … English syllables
whacker — noun something especially big or impressive of its kind • Syn: ↑whopper • Hypernyms: ↑thing … Useful english dictionary
packer whacker — /ˈpækə wækə/ (say pakuh wakuh) noun Colloquial a defibrillator, especially as carried by ambulances for emergency situations. {humorous reversal of whacker packer, from the contribution made by Kerry Packer (see Packer family) in the early 1990s… …
Bid Whacker — A slang term for an investor who sells shares at or below the bid price. This is considered outside the norm, as sellers normally settle for a price between the bid and ask quotes. The person is said to whack the bid down , since selling at or… … Investment dictionary