wet out
Смотреть что такое "wet out" в других словарях:
wet out — transitive verb : to wet thoroughly; specifically : to make (textiles) more absorbent by treating with a wetting agent prior to dyeing or bleaching * * * wet out 1. To wet thoroughly (old) 2. To cleanse (eg raw material in textile manufacture) by … Useful english dictionary
wet — wetly, adv. wetness, n. wetter, n. wettish, adj. /wet/, adj., wetter, wettest, n., v., wet or wetted, wetting. adj. 1. moistened, covered, or soaked with water … Universalium
Wet Wet Wet — at the Montreux Pop Festival in Montreux, Switzerland May 1988 Background information Origin Clydebank, Scotland … Wikipedia
Wet Wet Wet — Марти Пеллоу солист группы … Википедия
Wet wipe — Wet wipes (textile), unwrapped. A wet wipe, also known as a wet nap, wet towel, or a moist towelette, is a small moistened piece of paper or cloth that often comes folded and individually wrapped for convenience. Such towelettes are for cleansing … Wikipedia
Wet scrubber — is a form of pollution control technology. The term describes a variety of devices that use pollutants from a furnace flue gas or from other gas streams. In a wet scrubber, the polluted gas stream is brought into contact with the scrubbing liquid … Wikipedia
WET Web Tester — [ [http://wet.qantom.org Commercial Grade Web Automation Testing offering an Opensource alternative to Quicktest and Silktest ] ] is a web testing tool that drives an IE Browser directly and so the automated testing done is equivalent to how a… … Wikipedia
Wet Wet Wet — Datos generales Origen Clydebank, Escocia Información artística … Wikipedia Español
wet — [wet] adj. wetter, wettest [ME < OE wæt, akin to ON vatr: for IE base see WATER] 1. moistened, covered, or saturated with water or other liquid 2. rainy; foggy; misty [a wet day] 3. not yet dry [wet paint] 4 … English World dictionary
Wet Wet Wet — [wet wet wet], schottische Popband, 1982 gegründet von Marti Pellow, eigentlich Mark McLoughlin, (* Clydebank 23. 3. 1966; Gesang), Neil Mitchell (* Helensburgh 8. 6. 1967; Tasteninstrumente), Graeme Clark (* Glasgow 15. 4. 1966; Bassgitarre,… … Universal-Lexikon
Wet cleaning — is a non toxic, environmentally safe alternative to dry cleaning, utilizing computer controlled washing machines, biodegradable soaps and conditioners, and various types of pressing equipment that may be specialized for many different fabric and… … Wikipedia