- wellbred
- ˈwelˈbred a
1) благовоспитанный ;
2) породистый, чистокровный (о животном) wellbred благовоспитанный ~ породистый, чистокровный (о животном)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
William Dormer — Sir William Dormer (1503 17 May 1575) was a Tudor Knight, Captain and Politician, best known for a broken engagement to Jane Seymour, who later became the third wife of Henry VIII.William was born in 1503, the only child, son and heir, of Sir… … Wikipedia
Every Man in His Humour — is a 1598 play by the English playwright Ben Jonson. The play belongs to the subgenre of the humours comedy, in which each major character is dominated by an overriding humour or obsession.Performance and PublicationAll the available evidence… … Wikipedia
Steven van der Hagen — (1563–1621) was the first admiral of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). He made three visits to the East Indies, spending six years in all there. He was appointed to the Raad van Indië. Van der Hagen protested against the harsh administration of … Wikipedia
English Literature — • Latin, French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish literatures are a few of the influences Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. English Literature English Literature … Catholic encyclopedia
gentle — [13] Expressions like ‘of gentle birth’, and related forms such as gentility [14] and gentleman [13] point up the original link between gentle and ‘family, stock, birth’. The word comes via Old French gentil from Latin gentīlis, a derivative of… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
civil — [adj1] civic, community civilian, domestic, governmental, home, interior, local, municipal, national, political, public; concepts 536,583 civil [adj2] obliging, kind accommodating, affable, civilized, complaisant, cordial, courteous, courtly,… … New thesaurus
elegant — [adj] beautiful, tasteful affected, appropriate, apt, aristocratic, artistic, august, chic, choice, classic, clever, comely, courtly, cultivated, cultured, dainty, delicate, dignified, effective, exquisite, fancy, fashionable, fine, genteel,… … New thesaurus
fox hunt — Literally, a hunt for a fox. In popular usage, an elaborate enterprise with social significance, referring to a group of riders from a hunt club or assembled by invitation, mounted on wellbred horses known as hunters, and following hounds… … Ballentine's law dictionary
gentle — [13] Expressions like ‘of gentle birth’, and related forms such as gentility [14] and gentleman [13] point up the original link between gentle and ‘family, stock, birth’. The word comes via Old French gentil from Latin gentīlis, a derivative of… … Word origins