well-to-do person
Смотреть что такое "well-to-do person" в других словарях:
well-wisher — well′ wish er n. a person who wishes well to another person, a cause, etc • Etymology: 1580–90 well′ wish ing, adj. n … From formal English to slang
well-wish|er — «WEHL WIHSH uhr», noun. a person who wishes well to a person, cause, or institution: »The well wishers came around to congratulate the winning candidate … Useful english dictionary
well-wisher — well wishing, adj., n. /wel wish euhr/, n. a person who wishes well to another person, a cause, etc. [1580 90] * * * … Universalium
well-meaning — adjective trying to help, but often making things worse: WELL INTENTIONED: Her well meaning remarks just make us uncomfortable. a well meaning friend/person/group … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
well — 1. adv., adj., & int. adv. (better, best) 1 in a satisfactory way (you have worked well). 2 in the right way (well said; you did well to tell me). 3 with some talent or distinction (plays the piano well). 4 in a kind way (treated me well). 5… … Useful english dictionary
Person from Porlock — Porlock village, Somerset, England The Person from Porlock was an unwelcome visitor to Samuel Taylor Coleridge during his composition of the poem Kubla Khan. Coleridge claimed to have perceived the entire course of the poem in a dream (possibly… … Wikipedia
well-to-do — ADJ GRADED A well to do person is rich enough to be able to do and buy most of the things that they want. ...a rather well to do family of diamond cutters. ...two well educated girls from well to do homes. Syn: well off N PLURAL: the N The well… … English dictionary
well-wisher — UK [ˈwel ˌwɪʃə(r)] / US [ˈwel ˌwɪʃər] noun [countable] Word forms well wisher : singular well wisher plural well wishers a person who expresses their good wishes or sympathy, often to someone who they do not know Thousands of well wishers sent… … English dictionary
well-meaning — UK / US adjective trying to help but often making things worse Her well meaning remarks just make us uncomfortable. a well meaning friend/person/group … English dictionary
Person Centred Planning — Person Centered Planning(PCP) is a process designed to assist someone to make plans for their future. It is used most often as a life planning model to enable individuals with disabilities or otherwise requiring support to increase their personal … Wikipedia
well — well1 [wel] n. [ME welle < OE wella, akin to weallan, to boil up, akin to Ger welle, wave, wallen, to boil < IE base * wel , to turn, roll > WALK, L volvere, to roll] 1. a flow of water from the earth; natural spring and pool 2. a hole… … English World dictionary