- well-intentioned
- прил. исполненный благих намерений;
действующий из самых лучших побуждений действующий из лучших побуждений
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
well-intentioned — well in|ten|tioned [ ,wel ın tenʃənd ] adjective trying to help, but often making things worse: WELL MEANING: a well intentioned action that led to tragedy well intentioned people/acts/remarks … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
well-intentioned — 1590s, from WELL (Cf. well) (adv.) + intentioned (see INTENTION (Cf. intention)) … Etymology dictionary
well intentioned — ˌwell inˈtentioned [well intentioned] adjective intending to be helpful or useful but not always succeeding very well Syn: ↑well meaning … Useful english dictionary
Well-intentioned — Well in*ten tioned, a. Having upright intentions or honorable purposes. [1913 Webster] Dutchmen who had sold themselves to France, as the wellintentioned party. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
well-intentioned — well in tentioned adj trying to be helpful to people, but actually making things worse for them ▪ well intentioned grandparents who interfere between parents and children … Dictionary of contemporary English
well-intentioned — index benevolent, meritorious, propitious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
well-intentioned — [wel΄in ten′shənd] adj. having or showing good, kindly, or benevolent intentions: usually connoting failure or miscarriage of intention … English World dictionary
well-intentioned — also well intentioned ADJ GRADED If you say that a person or their actions are well intentioned, you mean that they intend to be helpful or kind but they are unsuccessful or cause problems. He is well intentioned but a poor administrator.… … English dictionary
well-intentioned — adj. well intentioned towards * * * [ˌwelɪn tenʃ(ə)nd] well intentioned towards … Combinatory dictionary
well-intentioned — UK [ˌwel ɪnˈtenʃ(ə)nd] / US [ˌwel ɪnˈtenʃənd] adjective trying to help but often making things worse a well intentioned action that led to tragedy well intentioned people/acts/remarks … English dictionary
well-intentioned — adjective marked by good intentions though often producing unfortunate results a well intentioned but clumsy waiter a well meaning but tactless fellow the son s well meaning efforts threw a singular chill upon the father s admirers S.W.Maughm… … Useful english dictionary