well-founded relation

well-founded relation
мат. отношение полной фундированности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "well-founded relation" в других словарях:

  • Well-founded relation — In mathematics, a binary relation, R, is well founded (or wellfounded) on a class X if and only if every non empty subset of X has a minimal element with respect to R; that is, for every non empty subset S of X, there is an element m of S such… …   Wikipedia

  • Non-well-founded set theory — Non well founded set theories are variants of axiomatic set theory which allow sets to contain themselves and otherwise violate the rule of well foundedness. In non well founded set theories, the foundation axiom of ZFC is replaced by axioms… …   Wikipedia

  • Well-quasi-ordering — In mathematics, specifically order theory, a well quasi ordering or wqo is a well founded quasi ordering with an additional restriction on sequences that there is no infinite sequence x i with x i ot le x j for all i < j . Motivation We can use… …   Wikipedia

  • Well-order — In mathematics, a well order relation (or well ordering) on a set S is a total order on S with the property that every non empty subset of S has a least element in this ordering.Equivalently, a well ordering is a well founded total order.The set… …   Wikipedia

  • False relation — False False, a. [Compar. {Falser}; superl. {Falsest}.] [L. falsus, p. p. of fallere to deceive; cf. OF. faus, fals, F. faux, and AS. fals fraud. See {Fail}, {Fall}.] 1. Uttering falsehood; unveracious; given to deceit; dishnest; as, a false… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Implementation of mathematics in set theory — This article examines the implementation of mathematical concepts in set theory. The implementation of a number of basic mathematical concepts is carried out in parallel in ZFC (the dominant set theory) and in NFU, the version of Quine s New… …   Wikipedia

  • Loop variant — In computer science, a loop variant is a mathematical function defined on the state space of a computer program having the property that each iteration of a loop (given its invariant) strictly decreases its value with respect to a well founded… …   Wikipedia

  • Outline of logic — The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to logic: Logic – formal science of using reason, considered a branch of both philosophy and mathematics. Logic investigates and classifies the structure of statements and… …   Wikipedia

  • Termination analysis — In computer science, a termination analysis is program analysis which attempts to determine whether the evaluation of a given program will definitely terminate. Because the halting problem is undecidable, termination analysis cannot work… …   Wikipedia

  • Transfinite induction — is an extension of mathematical induction to well ordered sets, for instance to sets of ordinals or cardinals. Transfinite induction Let P(α) be a property defined for all ordinals α. Suppose that whenever P(β) is true for all β < α, then P(α) is …   Wikipedia

  • Relación bien fundada — En teoría de conjuntos, una relación bien fundada sobre una clase X es una relación binaria R sobre X tal que todo subconjunto no vacío de X tiene un elemento R mínimo; esto es: Para todo subconjunto no vacío S de X, hay un elemento m en S tal… …   Wikipedia Español

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