Смотреть что такое "well-beloved" в других словарях:
well-beloved — late 14c., from WELL (Cf. well) (adv.) + BELOVED (Cf. beloved) … Etymology dictionary
well-beloved — [wel΄bē luvd′] adj. 1. deeply or greatly loved 2. highly respected: used in formal ceremonies or correspondence n. a well beloved person … English World dictionary
well-beloved — /wel bi luv id, luvd /, adj. 1. loved deeply and sincerely: my well beloved fiancé. 2. highly respected and honored: our well beloved speaker. n. 3. a person who is loved dearly: in respect for the well beloved. [1350 1400; ME wel biloved] * * * … Universalium
well-beloved — I. | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷( ̷ ̷) adjective Etymology: Middle English welbeloved, from wel well + beloved 1. : sincerely and deeply loved my well beloved wife 2. : sincerely respected used in various ceremonial forms of addr … Useful english dictionary
well-beloved — adjective Date: 14th century 1. sincerely and deeply loved < my well beloved wife > 2. sincerely respected used in various ceremonial forms of address … New Collegiate Dictionary
well-beloved — /ˈwɛl bəlʌvd/ (say wel buhluvd) adjective dearly loved; very dear. Also, (especially in predicative use), well beloved /wɛl bəˈlʌvd/ (say wel buh luvd) …
The Well-Beloved — is a novel by Thomas Hardy, published in 1912.The main setting of the novel was The Isle of Slingers , a caricature of the Isle of Portland in Dorset, England … Wikipedia
CHARLES VI, THE WELL-BELOVED — king of France from 1380 to 1422, was son and successor of Charles V.; began his reign under the guardianship of his uncles, who rifled the public treasury and provoked rebellion by their exactions; gained a victory at Rossbach over the… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Beloved — Be*loved , p. p. & a. Greatly loved; dear to the heart. [1913 Webster] Antony, so well beloved of C[ae]sar. Shak. [1913 Webster] This is my beloved Son. Matt. iii. 17. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
beloved — Synonyms and related words: admired, adored, beau, beloved object, cherished, crush, darling, dear, dear one, dearly beloved, esteemed, favorite, flame, heartthrob, held dear, honey, idolized, inamorata, inamorato, ladylove, light of love, love,… … Moby Thesaurus
well-liked — Synonyms and related words: admired, adored, beloved, cherished, darling, dear, dearly beloved, esteemed, favored, favorite, held dear, loved, pet, popular, precious, preferred, prized, revered, treasured, well beloved … Moby Thesaurus