well life
Смотреть что такое "well life" в других словарях:
life wasn't meant to be easy — A catchphrase popularised by Malcolm Fraser (Prime Minister 1975 83) and later attributed by him to the British playwright George Bernard Shaw. The phrase is now used as a stock response to complaints or whinges of any kind I have to take the… … Australian idioms
Life (NBC TV series) — Life Life title sequence Genre Crime drama Created by Rand Ravich Starring … Wikipedia
Life writing — Life writing is a literary genre involving the recording of personal memories and experiences. It can be considered an all encompassing term, under which can be found autobiography, memoir, diaries, letters and other such types of self made and … Wikipedia
Life — • The enigma of life is still one of the two or three most difficult problems that face both scientist and philosopher Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Life Life … Catholic encyclopedia
Life extension — refers to an increase in maximum or average lifespan, especially in humans, by slowing down or reversing the processes of aging. Average lifespan is determined by vulnerability to accidents and age related afflictions such as cancer or… … Wikipedia
Life is a Dream — ( es. La vida es sueño) is a philosophical allegory about the human situation and the mystery of life (Brocket Hildy pg145). It is written by Spanish playwright Pedro Calderón de la Barca; it is perhaps his most well known work.Fact|date=December … Wikipedia
Life imprisonment — or life incarceration is a sentence of imprisonment for a serious crime, often for most or even all of the criminal s remaining life, but in fact for a period which varies between jurisdictions: many countries have a maximum possible period of… … Wikipedia
Life Unexpected — Intertitle Also known as Light Years Parental Discretion Advised LUX Genre Drama … Wikipedia
Life Is Peachy — Studio album by Korn Released October … Wikipedia
Life of Soul — ( Lyfe of Soule ) is a short anonymous prose tract written in the late Middle English of the English midlands about 1400 or a little earlier.FormThe tract takes the form of a catechetical dialogue, or at least begins that way, one interlocutor… … Wikipedia
Life with Derek — Format Sitcom Created by Daphne Ballon Developed by Daphne Ballon Bernice Vanderlaan Starring … Wikipedia