well known
Смотреть что такое "well known" в других словарях:
well-known — adj comparative better known superlative best known known by a lot of people it is well known (that) ▪ It s a well known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer. ▪ This is probably their best known song. ▪ a well known TV presenter well known for … Dictionary of contemporary English
well-known — adjective ** known by many people or by the people involved in a particular situation: It s a well known fact that he shares business interests with them. well known for: Though most well known for her TV work, she s accepted a role in the movie … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Well-known — a. Fully known; generally known or acknowledged. [1913 Webster] A church well known with a well known rite. M. Arnold. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
well-known — well′ known′ adj. 1) clearly, fully, or thoroughly known: to hear the well known voice of a loved one[/ex] 2) generally or widely known; famous: a well known painting[/ex] • Etymology: 1425–75 … From formal English to slang
well-known — late 15c., from WELL (Cf. well) (adv.) + pp. of KNOW (Cf. know) … Etymology dictionary
well-known — [adj] familiar, famous acclaimed, big, big name*, celeb*, celebrated, common, conspicuous, eminent, illustrious, important, infamous, in the limelight*, in the public eye*, known, large, leading, name, notable, noted, notorious, outstanding,… … New thesaurus
well-known — [wel′nōn′] adj. 1. widely or generally known; famous or notorious 2. thoroughly known … English World dictionary
well-known — index blatant (conspicuous), common (customary), customary, familiar (customary), famous … Law dictionary
well known — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ known widely or thoroughly … English terms dictionary
well-known — ♦♦♦ also well known 1) ADJ GRADED A well known person or thing is known about by a lot of people and is therefore famous or familiar. If someone is well known for a particular activity, a lot of people know about them because of their involvement … English dictionary
well known — ▶ adjective 1 well known principles: FAMILIAR, widely known, popular, common, everyday, established. 2 a well known family of architects: FAMOUS, famed, prominent … Useful english dictionary