well course

well course
траектория ствола буровой скважины

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "well course" в других словарях:

  • Course equivalency — is the term used in higher education describing how a course offered by one college or university relates to a course offered by another. If a course is viewed as equal or better than the course offered by the receiving college or university, the …   Wikipedia

  • Course — (k[=o]rs), n. [F. cours, course, L. cursus, fr. currere to run. See {Current}.] 1. The act of moving from one point to another; progress; passage. [1913 Webster] And when we had finished our course from Tyre, we came to Ptolemais. Acts xxi. 7.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Course reserve — is a term used in academic libraries to describe materials set aside for a specific academic course or other use. Most often materials are put on course reserve by library staff at the request of the course s instructor. Materials on reserve… …   Wikipedia

  • Course: Oblivion (Star Trek: Voyager) — Course: Oblivion Star Trek: Voyager episode Duplicates of Torres and Paris are wed Episode no …   Wikipedia

  • Well drainage — means drainage of agricultural lands by wells. Agricultural land is drained by pumped wells (vertical drainage) to improve the soils by controlling water table levels and soil salinity. Contents 1 Introduction 2 Design 3 Flow to wells 4 …   Wikipedia

  • Course of Theoretical Physics — Course of Theoretical Physics …   Wikipedia

  • well trodden — adj 1.) well trodden path/track/route etc BrE a path that is used a lot by people ▪ Follow the very well trodden path to the summit. 2.) used to describe an idea or a course of action that has been used many times in the past well trodden… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Well Bargained and Done — is the second episode of .PlotOn the desert planet named DustballAdam, Hawkins and Specter walk the streets of a domed city, looking for any halfway decent mechwarriors they can find to join the Strikers (because, as Adam reminds Hawkins, all the …   Wikipedia

  • Course Setting Bomb Sight — The CSBS Mk. IX mounted in a Fairey Battle. The bomb aimer is sighting through the white ring shaped backsights to the pin shaped foresights (just visible against the armoured cable) and holding the bomb release switch in his right hand. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Well-Tempered Clavier — The Well Tempered Clavier ( Das Wohltemperirte Clavier in the original old German spelling) [In the German of Bach s time the Clavier was a generic name meaning keyboard instrument, most typically the harpsichord or clavichord mdash; but not… …   Wikipedia

  • Course landaise — The course Landaise is an ancient form of bullfighting held in oval or rectangular arenas covered in sand, that does not involve any bloodshed. Experienced cows generally from the age of 2 and up to 14 years old are used instead of bulls. They… …   Wikipedia

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