weir dam

weir dam
водосливная плотина

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weir dam" в других словарях:

  • weir dam — Смотри сливной порог …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • weir — [wir] n. [ME were < OE wer, weir, dam (akin to Ger wehr) < base of werian, to defend, dam up < IE base * wer , to shut up, cover] 1. a low dam built in a river to back up or divert water, as for a mill; milldam 2. a fence, as of… …   English World dictionary

  • Weir — This interesting and unusual name, with variant spellings Wear, Were, Where etc. derives from two possible origins. Firstly, it may be topographical for a dweller by a dam, or keeper of a fishing weir, from the Old English word wer , weir, dam,… …   Surnames reference

  • Weir (disambiguation) — Weir has several different meanings: * Weir, a dam like structure * Fishing weir, a type of fish trapPlaces;Australia * Mundaring Weir, Western Australia;India * Weir, India;United Kingdom * Weir, Lancashire * Tumbling Weir, Devon, England * Wyre …   Wikipedia

  • weir — O.E. wer dam, fence, enclosure, especially one for catching fish (related to werian dam up ), from P.Gmc. *warjanan (Cf. O.N. ver, O.Fris., M.Du. were, Du. weer, O.H.G. wari, Ger. Wehr defense, protection, Goth. warjan to defend, protect ), from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Weir — (w[=e]r), Wear Wear,n. [OE. wer, AS. wer; akin to G. wehr, AS. werian to defend, protect, hinder, G. wehren, Goth. warjan; and perhaps to E. wary; or cf. Skr. v[.r] to check, hinder. [root]142. Cf. {Garret}.] 1. A dam in a river to stop and raise …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dam — [n] embankment, wall bank, barrage, barrier, dike, ditch, gate, grade, hindrance, levee, milldam, millpond, obstruction, weir; concept 470 dam [v] hold back; block bar, barricade, brake, check, choke, clog, close, confine, hinder, hold in, impede …   New thesaurus

  • weir — is the standard spelling for a dam built across a river. The older variant wear is now obsolete …   Modern English usage

  • weir — ► NOUN 1) a low dam built across a river to raise the level of water upstream or regulate its flow. 2) an enclosure of stakes set in a stream as a trap for fish. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Dam — This article is about structures for water impoundment. For other uses, see Dam (disambiguation). Hoover Dam, a concrete arch gravity dam in Black Canyon of the Colorado River. Lake Mead in the background is impounded by the dam …   Wikipedia

  • Weir — A weir (IPAEng|wɪɚ) (also known as a lowhead dam) is a small overflow type dam commonly used to raise the level of a river or stream. Weirs have traditionally been used to create mill ponds in such places. Water flows over the top of a weir,… …   Wikipedia

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