- weightlessness
- ˈweɪtlɪsnɪs сущ. невесомость;
состояние невесомости невесомость - state of * состояние невесомости weightlessness невесомость;
состояние невесомости
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
weightlessness — 1884, from WEIGHT (Cf. weight) + LESS (Cf. less) + NESS (Cf. ness) … Etymology dictionary
Weightlessness — Zero gravity redirects here. For other uses, see Zero gravity (disambiguation). Zero G redirects here. For other uses, see Zero G (disambiguation). 0G redirects here. For other uses, see 0G (disambiguation). Weightlessness (or zero g) is the… … Wikipedia
weightlessness — See weightlessly. * * * ▪ physics condition experienced while in free fall (q.v.), in which the effect of gravity is canceled by the inertial (e.g., centrifugal) force resulting from orbital flight. The term zero gravity is often used to… … Universalium
weightlessness — nesvarumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. nullgravity; weightlessness; zero gravity vok. Gewichtslosigkeit, f; Schwerelosigkeit, f; Schwerlosigkeit, f rus. невесомость, f pranc. apesanteur, m; impondérabilité, f; non pesanteur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
weightlessness — weightless ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a body) not apparently acted on by gravity. DERIVATIVES weightlessly adverb weightlessness noun … English terms dictionary
weightlessness condition — nesvarumo sąlyga statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. condition for zero gravity; weightlessness condition vok. Schwerelosigkeitsbedingung, f; Verhältnisse der Schwerelosigkeit, n rus. условие невесомости, n pranc. condition… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
weightlessness — noun see weightless … New Collegiate Dictionary
weightlessness — noun a) The state of being free from the effects of gravity. b) An experience or instance of being weightless. Syn: zero gravity … Wiktionary
weightlessness — The psychophysiologic effect of zero gravity, as experienced by someone falling freely in a vacuum ( e.g., astronauts in a stable orbit). A temporary state of simulated w. can be achieved during powered flight within the earth s atmosphere by… … Medical dictionary
weightlessness — Synonyms and related words: airiness, ascent, asteroids, aurora particles, blackout, bubbliness, buoyancy, cosmic particles, cosmic ray bombardment, daintiness, delicacy, downiness, ethereality, floatability, fluffiness, foaminess, frothiness,… … Moby Thesaurus
weightlessness — weight·less·ness || weɪtlɪsnɪs n. lack of weight, lack of gravity … English contemporary dictionary