weighting pattern
Смотреть что такое "weighting pattern" в других словарях:
MSI Barcode — for the number 1234567 with Mod 10 check digit MSI (also known as Modified Plessey) is a barcode symbology developed by the MSI Data Corporation, based on the original Plessey Code symbology. It is a continuous symbology that is not self checking … Wikipedia
Sound level meter — Type 1 Sound Level Meter (Shown: Svantek 979) Sound level meters measure sound pressure level and are commonly used in noise pollution studies for the quantification of almost any noise, but especially for industrial, environmental and aircraft… … Wikipedia
Natal astrology — ‹ The template below (Astrology) is being considered for merging. See templates for discussion to help reach a consensus. › Astrology … Wikipedia
textile — /teks tuyl, til/, n. 1. any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting. 2. a material, as a fiber or yarn, used in or suitable for weaving: Glass can be used as a textile. adj. 3. woven or capable of being woven: textile fabrics. 4 … Universalium
Moving average — For other uses, see Moving average (disambiguation). In statistics, a moving average, also called rolling average, rolling mean or running average, is a type of finite impulse response filter used to analyze a set of data points by creating a… … Wikipedia
attention — attentional, adj. n. /euh ten sheuhn/; interj. /euh ten shun /, n. 1. the act or faculty of attending, esp. by directing the mind to an object. 2. Psychol. a. a concentration of the mind on a single object or thought, esp. one preferentially… … Universalium
Fly tying — is the process of producing an artificial fly to be used by anglers to catch fish via means of fly fishing. Probably the most concise description of fly tying is the one by Helen Shaw, a preeminent American professional fly tyer in Fly Tying .… … Wikipedia
Cultural consensus theory — supports a framework for the measurement and evaluation of beliefs as cultural; shared to some extent by a group of individuals. Cultural consensus models guide the aggregation of responses from individuals to estimate (1) the culturally… … Wikipedia
Maximum parsimony — Maximum parsimony, often simply referred to as parsimony, is a non parametric statistical method commonly used in computational phylogenetics for estimating phylogenies. Under maximum parsimony, the preferred phylogenetic tree is the tree that… … Wikipedia
Maximum parsimony (phylogenetics) — Parsimony is a non parametric statistical method commonly used in computational phylogenetics for estimating phylogenies. Under parsimony, the preferred phylogenetic tree is the tree that requires the least evolutionary change to explain some… … Wikipedia
Microphone — For the indie film, see Microphone (film). Microphones redirects here. For the indie band, see The Microphones. A … Wikipedia