weight module

weight module
мат. весовой модуль

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weight module" в других словарях:

  • Weight (representation theory) — In the mathematical field of representation theory, a weight of an algebra A over a field F is an algebra homomorphism from A to F, or equivalently, a one dimensional representation of A over F. It is the algebra analogue of a multiplicative… …   Wikipedia

  • Verma module — Verma modules, named after Daya Nand Verma, are objects in the representation theory of Lie algebras, a branch of mathematics. The definition of a Verma module looks complicated, but Verma modules are very natural objects, with useful properties …   Wikipedia

  • Generalized Verma module — Generalized Verma modules are object in the representation theory of Lie algebras, a field in mathematics. They were studied originally by James Lepowsky in seventies. The motivation for their study is that their homomorphisms correspond to… …   Wikipedia

  • Demazure module — In mathematics, a Demazure module, introduced by Demazure (1974a, 1974b). is a submodule of a finite dimensional representation generated by an extremal weight space under the action of a Borel subalgebra. The Demazure character formula,… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo Lunar Module — The Apollo Lunar Module was the lander portion of the Apollo spacecraft built for the US Apollo program by Grumman to achieve the transit from cislunar orbit to the surface and back. The module was also known as the LM from the manufacturer… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollo Command/Service Module — Apollo CSM The Apollo 15 CSM in lunar orbit Description Role: Earth and Lunar Orbit Crew: 3; CDR, CM pilot, LM pilot Dimensions Height: 36.2 ft 11.03 m …   Wikipedia

  • Nodal Module — The Nodal Module (NM) is a pressurized module of the Russian Segment (RS or ROS) of the International Space Station (ISS) and will be used in the OPSEK space station. NM is being developed by RSC Energia in order to support the docking to ISS RS… …   Wikipedia

  • Cotton module builder — A module builder The cotton module builder is a machine used in the harvest and processing of cotton. The module builder has helped to solve a logistical bottleneck by allowing cotton to be harvested quickly and compressed into large modules… …   Wikipedia

  • Pirs (ISS module) — View of SO1 Pirs Docking compartment The Pirs docking compartment is a Russian module of the International Space Station (ISS). Pirs (Russian: Пирс, meaning pier ) also called Stikovochny Otsek 1 or SO 1 (Russian: Стыковочный отсек, docking… …   Wikipedia

  • Orbital module — The orbital module is a portion of spacecraft used only in orbit. These have developed from the Soviet Soyuz spacecraft. Contents 1 Soyuz orbit module 2 Shenzhou orbit module 3 Other orbit modules 4 See also …   Wikipedia

  • Microwave Power Module — A Microwave Power Module (MPM) is a microwave device used to amplify radio frequency signals to high power levels. It is a hybrid combination of solid state and vacuum tube electronics, which encloses a solid state driver amplifier (SSPA),… …   Wikipedia

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