weight heavily
Смотреть что такое "weight heavily" в других словарях:
heavily — [hev′ə lē] adv. in a heavy manner; specif., a) with a heavy weight [heavily burdened] b) as if with a heavy weight; slowly; clumsily; laboriously [to rise heavily from one s seat] c) oppressively; severely [heavily taxed] d) abundantly [heavily… … English World dictionary
heavily — heav•i•ly [[t]ˈhɛv ə li[/t]] adv. 1) with a great weight: heavily loaded[/ex] 2) ponderously; lumberingly: to walk heavily[/ex] 3) oppressively: Cares weigh heavily upon him[/ex] 4) severely; intensely: to suffer heavily[/ex] 5) densely; thickly … From formal English to slang
Heavily — Heav i*ly, adv. [From 2d {Heavy}.] 1. In a heavy manner; with great weight; as, to bear heavily on a thing; to be heavily loaded. [1913 Webster] Heavily interested in those schemes of emigration. The Century. [1913 Webster] 2. As if burdened with … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Weight — Weight, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Weighted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Weighting}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To load with a weight or weights; to load down; to make heavy; to attach weights to; as, to weight a horse or a jockey at a race; to weight a whip handle.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
weight|i|ly — «WAY tuh lee», adverb. in a weighty manner; heavily; ponderously; momentously; forcibly … Useful english dictionary
heavily — /hev euh lee/, adv. 1. with a great weight or burden: a heavily loaded wagon. 2. in a manner suggestive of carrying a great weight; ponderously; lumberingly: He walked heavily across the room. 3. in an oppressive manner: Cares weigh heavily upon… … Universalium
weight — Either gross weight, net weight, or tare weight. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. weight weight 1 [weɪt] noun [countable, uncountable] how heavy something is, measured using a particular system: • The weight of the new … Financial and business terms
heavily — adverb 1. to a considerable degree (Freq. 23) he relied heavily on others data • Syn: ↑to a great extent • Derived from adjective: ↑heavy 2. in a heavy footed manner (Freq. 7) … Useful english dictionary
weight — I. noun Etymology: Middle English wight, weght, from Old English wiht; akin to Old Norse vætt weight, Old English wegan to weigh Date: before 12th century 1. a. the amount that a thing weighs b. (1) the standard or established amount that a thing … New Collegiate Dictionary
heavily — /ˈhɛvəli/ (say hevuhlee) adverb 1. with great weight or burden: a heavily loaded wagon. 2. in an oppressive manner: cares weigh heavily upon him. 3. with great force; violently. 4. severely; intensely: to suffer heavily. 5. to a large amount;… …
heavily — adverb a) in a heavy manner She fell heavily into bed. b) with a great weight He clomped heavily up the stairs in his boots … Wiktionary