weight bias

weight bias
мат. систематическая ошибка вследствие ошибочного задания весов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weight bias" в других словарях:

  • Weight stigma — Weight stigma, also known as weightism, weight bias, and weight based discrimination, refers to invidiously discriminatory attitudes towards overweight/obese individuals that influence interpersonal interactions. Weight stigma reflects… …   Wikipedia

  • Bias (disambiguation) — Bias is an inclination towards something, or a predisposition, partiality, prejudice, preference, or predilection. Bias may also refer to:In science and statistics: * Bias (statistics), the systematic distortion of a statistic ** A biased sample… …   Wikipedia

  • Bias — Bi as (b[imac] as), n.; pl. {Biases} ( [e^]z). [F. biasis, perh. fr. LL. bifax two faced; L. bis + facies face. See {Bi }, and cf. {Face}.] 1. A weight on the side of the ball used in the game of bowls, or a tendency imparted to the ball, which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bias — [n1] belief in one way; partiality bent, bigotry, chauvinism, disposition, favoritism, flash, head set*, illiberality, inclination, intolerance, leaning, mind set*, mind trip*, narrowmindedness, one sidedness, penchant, preconception,… …   New thesaurus

  • weight — I n 1. heaviness, heft, heftiness, weightiness, ponderousness, ponderosity, gravity; pounds, tonnage, pressure; mass, density, volume, size; bulk, bulkiness, largeness, bigness, amplitude. 2. load, burden, onus, cross, millstone, albatross; duty …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • bias — /buy euhs/, n., adj., adv., v., biased, biasing or (esp. Brit.) biassed, biassing. n. 1. an oblique or diagonal line of direction, esp. across a woven fabric. 2. a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced… …   Universalium

  • bias — 1. noun 1) he accused the media of bias Syn: prejudice, partiality, partisanship, favoritism, unfairness, one sidedness; bigotry, intolerance, discrimination, leaning, tendency, inclination, predilection Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • weight — weighter, n. /wayt/, n. 1. the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs. 2. Physics. the force that gravitation exerts upon a body, equal to the mass of the body times the local acceleration of gravity: commonly taken, in a… …   Universalium

  • Weight transfer — In automobiles, weight transfer (often confused with load transfer) refers to the redistribution of weight supported by each tire during acceleration (both longitudinal and lateral). This includes braking, or deceleration (which can be viewed as… …   Wikipedia

  • weight — [[t]weɪt[/t]] n. 1) wam the amount or quantity of heaviness or mass; amount a thing weighs 2) phs the force that gravitation exerts upon a body, equal to the mass of the body times the local acceleration of gravity 3) wam a system of units for… …   From formal English to slang

  • Weight function — A weight function is a mathematical device used when performing a sum, integral, or average in order to give some elements more weight or influence on the result than other elements in the same set. They occur frequently in statistics and… …   Wikipedia

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