
ˈwi:pɪ сущ.;
разг. сентиментальное произведение, слеза с соплей (книга, фильм, пьеса) (американизм) (сленг) душещипательное произведение (о пьесе, романе и т. п.) плаксивый, слезливый слезоточивый (диалектизм) капающий;
протекающий, просачивающийся weepy разг. сентиментальное произведение, = слеза с соплей (книга, фильм, пьеса)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weepy" в других словарях:

  • weepy — 1825, from WEEP (Cf. weep) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Weepily; weepiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • weepy — ► ADJECTIVE (weepier, weepiest) informal 1) tearful; inclined to weep. 2) sentimental. DERIVATIVES weepily adverb weepiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • weepy — [wē′pē] adj. weepier, weepiest 1. a) inclined to weep; tearful b) exuding liquid 2. characterized by or apt to cause weeping weepiness n …   English World dictionary

  • weepy — [[t]wi͟ːpi[/t]] weepies 1) ADJ GRADED Someone who is weepy is sad and likely to cry easily. I suddenly felt very weepy. ...weepy moods. Syn: tearful 2) N COUNT A weepy is a film or a story which is sentimental and makes you cry. [INFORMAL] …   English dictionary

  • weepy — I UK [ˈwiːpɪ] / US [ˈwɪpɪ] adjective Word forms weepy : adjective weepy comparative weepier superlative weepiest if you feel weepy, you want to cry II UK [ˈwiːpɪ] / US [ˈwɪpɪ] weepie …   English dictionary

  • weepy — weep•y [[t]ˈwi pi[/t]] adj. weep•i•er, weep•i•est 1) easily moved to tears; tearful; lachrymose 2) marked or accompanied by weeping: a weepy account[/ex] 3) inf tending to cause weeping; sad: a weepy novel[/ex] 4) exuding water or other moisture… …   From formal English to slang

  • weepy — weepiness, n. /wee pee/, adj., weepier, weepiest. 1. weeping or tending to weep; tearful; lachrymose. 2. Informal. sad or sentimental, esp. to the point of causing one to weep: a movie with a weepy ending. 3. exuding water or other moisture;… …   Universalium

  • weepy — weep|y1 [ˈwi:pi] adj informal tending to cry a lot weepy 2 weepy2 weepieplural weepies n informal a film or story that is intended to make people cry …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • weepy — weep|y [ wipi ] adjective if you feel weepy, you want to cry …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • weepy — 1 adjective informal tending to cry a lot: feeling emotionally exhausted and weepy 2 weepie noun (C) informal a film or story that seems to be deliberately intended to make you cry …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • weepy — adjective there were a lot a weepy people in the audience Syn: tearful, close to tears, upset, distressed, sad, unhappy; in tears, crying, weeping, sniveling; informal teary, misty eyed, choked up; formal lachrymose …   Thesaurus of popular words

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