Смотреть что такое "ween" в других словарях:
Ween — durante una presentación en vivo en Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá, en el año 2007. Datos generales … Wikipedia Español
Ween — est un groupe de rock indépendant / alternatif américain formé en 1984 à New Hope (Pennsylvanie) par Mickey Melchiondo et Aaron Freeman. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Collaborations 3 Discographie … Wikipédia en Français
Ween — im Jahr 2007: D. Dreiwitz, G. Ween, D. We … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ween — Ween, v. i. [OE. wenen, AS. w?nan, fr. w?n hope, expectation, opinion; akin to D. waan, OFries. w?n, OS. & OHG. w[=a]n, G. wahn delusion, Icel. v[=a]n hope, expectation, Goth. w?ns, and D. wanen to fancy, G. w[ a]hnen, Icel. v[=a]na to hope, Goth … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ween|y — «WEE nee», adjective, ween|i|er, ween|i|est. Informal. very small; little; tiny: »They sound like…teachers who have grown a weeny bit tired of their energetic, articulate, expressive little charges … Useful english dictionary
ween|sy — «WEEN see», adjective, si|er, si|est. Informal. weeny; teensy … Useful english dictionary
Ween — Ween, Insel, so v.w. Hven … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ween — /ween/, v.t., v.i. Archaic. 1. to think; suppose. 2. to expect, hope, or intend. [bef. 900; ME wenen, OE wenan to expect; c. G wähnen to imagine, ON vaena, Goth wenjan to hope, expect] * * * … Universalium
ween — index opine, surmise Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ween — O.E. wenan to think, from P.Gmc. *woenijanan (Cf. O.S. wanian, O.N. væna, O.Fris. wena, O.H.G. wanen, Ger. wähnen, Goth. wenjan to expect, suppose, think ), from *woeniz expectation, from PIE root *wen to wish, desire, stri … Etymology dictionary
ween — [wēn] vi., vt. [ME wenen < OE wenan, akin to Ger wähnen < IE base * wen , to desire] Archaic to think; suppose; imagine … English World dictionary