weekly wage
Смотреть что такое "weekly wage" в других словарях:
wage — [weɪdʒ] noun [countable] also wages HUMAN RESOURCES money that someone earns according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that they work, especially money that is paid each week: • The average hourly wage in the industry is $8. • Workers were … Financial and business terms
weekly — [wēk′lē] adj. 1. done, happening, payable, etc. once a week, or every week [a weekly visit] 2. of a week, or of each week [a weekly wage] adv. once a week; every week n. pl. weeklies a periodical published once a week … English World dictionary
wage — wage1 W3 [weıdʒ] n [Date: 1300 1400; : Old North French; Origin: guarantee, wage ] 1.) [singular] also wages [plural] money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work →↑salary ▪ He earns a good wage … Dictionary of contemporary English
wage — I n. 1) to draw, earn a wage 2) to pay a wage 3) to freeze wages 4) a decent, living; minimum; subsistence wage (to pay workers a decent wage) 5) an annual, yearly; daily; hourly; monthly; weekly wage II v. (D; tr.) to wage against (to wage a… … Combinatory dictionary
wage — 1 noun 1 (singular) also wages (plural) money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work: The job s not very exciting, but he earns a good wage. | wage increase also wage rise BrE: The wage increases will … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
wage — I UK [weɪdʒ] / US noun [countable] Word forms wage : singular wage plural wages *** wage or wages a) an amount of money that you earn for working, usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month daily/hourly/weekly wage… … English dictionary
wage — wage1 [ weıdʒ ] noun count ** wage or wages an amount of money that you earn for working, usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month: daily/hourly/weekly wage They re protesting about low wages. a. only before noun… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
weekly — [[t]wi͟ːkli[/t]] ♦♦♦ weeklies 1) ADJ: ADJ n A weekly event or publication happens or appears once a week or every week. Each course comprises 10 12 informal weekly meetings... We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday... His story was… … English dictionary
wage*/*/*/ — [weɪdʒ] noun [C] I a regular amount of money that you earn for working a daily/hourly/weekly wage[/ex] I ve usually spent all my wages by Tuesday.[/ex] What is the minimum wage here?[/ex] II verb [T] wage [weɪdʒ] to start and continue a war or… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
wage-labour — Employment as an employee for a specified weekly wage or monthly salary, normally on terms and conditions determined by the employer, whose offer may be constrained by employment law, collective bargaining agreements, or pressure from trade… … Dictionary of sociology
wage — n 1: a payment usu. of money for labor or services usu. according to a contract and on an hourly, daily, or piecework basis often used in pl. 2 pl: the share of the national product attributable to labor as a factor in production Merriam… … Law dictionary