
wi:k сущ.
1) неделя to spend a week (somewhere) ≈ провести неделю где-л. last weekна прошлой неделе next weekна следующей неделе this weekна этой неделе by the weekкаждую неделю she is paid by the week ≈ ей платят каждую неделю during the week ≈ в течение недели for a week ≈ на неделю they came here for a week ≈ они приехали сюда на неделю she hasn't been here for weeksона уже давно не была здесь freshman week
2) шесть рабочих дней недели ∙ week of Sundays неделя - in a * через неделю, в недельный срок - a six *'s holiday шестинедельный отпуск - three times a * три раза в неделю - * after, * in * out неделя за неделей, целыми неделями;
беспрерывно - * by * каждую неделю, еженедельно - *'s notice предупреждение за неделю - he is coming next * он приезжает на будущей неделе - he'll stay for another three *s он останется еще на три недели период в семь дней до или после указанного дня - today * ровно через неделю;
ровно неделю тому назад - Saturday * в субботу на той неделе (т.е. на прошлой или на будущей неделе) - tomorrow * через неделю, считая от завтрашнего дня - yesterday * неделю тому назад, считая от вчерашнего дня рабочая неделя - he works a 40-hour * у него сорокачасовая рабочая неделя - he spends the * in town but is at home on Sundays с понедельника до субботы он в городе, а воскресенье проводит дома неделя, предназначенная для проведения какого-л. общественного мероприятия - film * кинонеделя > a * of Sundays /of *s/ целая вечность;
семь недель > you won't meet his like in a * of Sundays такого человека не скоро встретишь > too late a * слишком поздно (звукоподрожательный) визгу свиньи или писку мыши business ~ рабочая неделя compressed working ~ сжатая рабочая неделя (например 4 рабочих дня по 12 рабочих часов или 4 рабочих дня по 10 рабочих часов) every other ~ через неделю every second ~ каждая вторая неделя ~ неделя;
in a week через неделю;
в недельный срок;
he came back Saturday week в субботу была или будет неделя, как он вернулся ~ неделя;
in a week через неделю;
в недельный срок;
he came back Saturday week в субботу была или будет неделя, как он вернулся week шесть рабочих дней недели ~ неделя;
in a week через неделю;
в недельный срок;
he came back Saturday week в субботу была или будет неделя, как он вернулся ~ неделя a ~ of Sundays разг. = целая вечность;
week in, week out беспрерывно a ~ of Sundays разг. семь недель a ~ of Sundays разг. = целая вечность;
week in, week out беспрерывно a ~ of Sundays разг. = целая вечность;
week in, week out беспрерывно working ~ рабочая неделя

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "week" в других словарях:

  • week — W1S1 [wi:k] n [: Old English; Origin: wicu] 1.) a period of seven days and nights, usually measured in Britain from Monday to Sunday and in the US from Sunday to Saturday once/twice/three times etc a week ▪ Letters were delivered twice a week… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • week — [ wik ] noun count *** a period of seven days, usually counted from a Sunday: He travels south two days a week. That left 15 dollars per week for food. last/next week: He will meet his uncle in Boston next week. a. a week in which particular… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • week — [wēk] n. [ME weke < OE wicu with lengthened & lowered vowel, akin to Ger woche (OHG wohha) < IE * weig , to bend (see WEAK): basic sense “period of change”] 1. a period of seven days, esp. one beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday… …   English World dictionary

  • week — /week/, n. 1. a period of seven successive days, usually understood as beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday. 2. a period of seven successive days that begins with or includes an indicated day: the week of June 3; Christmas week. 3.… …   Universalium

  • week|ly — «WEEK lee», adjective, adverb, noun, plural lies. –adj. 1. of a week; for a week; lasting a week. 2. done, happening, or appearing once a week or each week: »She writes a weekly letter to her grandmother. 3. of or having to do with the working… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Week — Week, n. [OE. weke, wike, woke, wuke AS. weocu, wicu, wucu; akin to OS. wika, OFries. wike, D. week, G. woche, OHG. wohha, wehha, Icel. vika, Sw. vecka, Dan. uge, Goth. wik?, probably originally meaning, a succession or change, and akin to G.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • week — O.E. wice, from P.Gmc. *wikon (Cf. O.N. vika, O.Fris. wike, M.Du. weke, O.H.G. wecha, Ger. woche), probably originally with the sense of a turning or succession (Cf. Goth. wikon in the course of, O.N. vika sea mile, originally change of oar …   Etymology dictionary

  • week in — week in, week out Continuously without a break • • • Main Entry: ↑week …   Useful english dictionary

  • week — ► NOUN 1) a period of seven days. 2) the period of seven days generally reckoned from and to midnight on Saturday night. 3) chiefly Brit. (preceded by a specified day) a week after (that day). 4) the five days from Monday to Friday, or the time… …   English terms dictionary

  • Week — For more details on each day of the week, see Weekday names. For the TV station in the Peoria Bloomington, Illinois market, see WEEK TV. Weeks redirects here. For other uses, see Weeks (disambiguation). A week is a time unit equal to seven days.… …   Wikipedia

  • week — n. 1) to spend a week (somewhere) 2) last; next; this week 3) a week from (Tuesday) 4) by the week (she is paid by the week) 5) during the week 6) for a week (they came here for a week) 7) for weeks (she hasn t been here for weeks; AE also has:… …   Combinatory dictionary

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