Смотреть что такое "wedge-expander" в других словарях:
wedge expander — A part of a mechanical drum brake system which forces the shoes apart into contact with the drum … Dictionary of automotive terms
expander — [1] A ring placed under a piston ring to increase ring pressure on the cylinder walls. For instance an oil control ring may have an expander ring to assist the oil control ring to scrape oil off the cylinder wall and provide further sealing. See… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Splitting maul — Woodsplitting maul Other names Wood maul Wood mall Block Buster (Typically used throughout Australia and New Zealand) Classification Hand tool Related Sledge hammer … Wikipedia
Commodore 64 peripherals — Commodore 64 Home Computer This article is about the various external peripherals of the Commodore 64 home computer. Contents 1 Storage … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (E) — NOTOC E E₇ E (mathematical constant) E function E₈ lattice E₈ manifold E∞ operad E7½ E8 investigation tool Earley parser Early stopping Earnshaw s theorem Earth mover s distance East Journal on Approximations Eastern Arabic numerals Easton s… … Wikipedia
Headset (bicycle part) — The headset is the set of components on a bicycle which provide a rotatable interface between the bicycle fork and the bicycle frame itself. The short tube through which the steerer of the fork passes is called the head tube. A typical headset… … Wikipedia
Stem (bicycle part) — The stem, also called a goose neck, [cite web url = g.html#gooseneck title = Sheldon Brown Glossary: Goose Neck accessdate = 2008 01 01|last=Brown |first=Sheldon |authorlink=Sheldon Brown (bicycle mechanic)… … Wikipedia
Commodore BASIC — Commodore BASIC, also known as PET BASIC, is the dialect of the BASIC programming language used in Commodore International s 8 bit home computer line, stretching from the PET of 1977 to the C128 of 1985. The core was based on 6502 Microsoft BASIC … Wikipedia
Centrifugal compressor — Centrifugal compressors, sometimes termed radial compressors, are a sub class of dynamic axisymmetric work absorbing turbomachinery.[1] Centrifugal impeller with a highly polished surface likely to improve performance … Wikipedia
Synthesizer — Sỵn|the|si|zer 〈[ saızə(r)] m. 3; Mus.〉 Gerät zur Erzeugung verschiedenartiger, künstlicher Töne mittels elektronischer Schaltungen, das in fast allen neuen Musikstilen der 1980er u. 1990er Jahre Anwendung findet [zu engl. synthesize „verbinden … Universal-Lexikon
headset sizing — The nominal size of a headset is based on the outside diameter of the steerer. This is a source of confusion, because the steerer is not visible on an assembled bicycle. In the case of a bicycle with a traditional expander/wedge type stem, the… … Dictionary of automotive terms