web frame
Смотреть что такое "web frame" в других словарях:
Web frame — In cabinet making, a web frame is the term for the internal structural frame of a cabinet which provides the support for drawers. The web frame forms a divider between drawers and provides a mounting point for the drawer runners. In some cabinets … Wikipedia
web frame — noun : a frame of heavy scantling used in ship construction and made by riveting a wide plate to a frame and stiffening the plate by riveting two reverse frames to its inner edge * * * Naut. a deep transverse frame reinforcing the hull of a ship … Useful english dictionary
web frame — Naut. a deep transverse frame reinforcing the hull of a ship. Also called transverse. [1895 1900] * * * … Universalium
Frame Relay — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Frame Relay o (Frame mode Bearer Service) es una técnica de comunicación mediante retransmisión de tramas para redes de circuito virtual, introducida por la ITU T a partir de la recomendación I.122 de 1988. Consiste… … Wikipedia Español
Web 3.0 — is one of the terms used to describe the evolutionary stage of the Web that follows Web 2.0. Given that technical and social possibilities identified in this latter term are yet to be fully realised the nature of defining Web 3.0 is highly… … Wikipedia
Frame injection (disambiguation) — Frame injection may refer to:* Frame injection A web browser vulnerability * Injection moulding A process used in the making for plastic products … Wikipedia
Frame injection — For other uses of the term frame injection , see Frame injection (disambiguation). A frame injection attack is an attack on Internet Explorer 5, Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7 to load arbitrary code in the browser. [cite web|url=http … Wikipedia
Web Ontology Language — OWL Web Ontology Language Current Status Published Year Started 2002 Editors Mike Dean, Guus Schreiber Base Standards Resource Description Framework, RDFS Domain Semantic Web A … Wikipedia
Frame — Fra|me1 〈f. 19〉 germanischer Speer [<lat. framea „Wurfspieß der Germanen“ <ahd. brame] Frame2 〈[frɛım] m. 6〉 Rahmen bei Fahrzeugen der Eisenbahnen [engl., „Gefüge, Gerüst, Rahmen“] * * * Frame [freɪm ], der u. das; s, s [engl. frame =… … Universal-Lexikon
frame — /freɪm / (say fraym) noun 1. an enclosing border or case, as for a picture. 2. anything composed of parts fitted and joined together; a structure. 3. the sustaining parts of a structure fitted and joined together; framework; skeleton. 4. the body …
Frame — A frame is a structural system that supports other components of a physical construction. Frame may also refer to:Engineering construction* Framing (construction), a building term known as light frame construction * Frame (vehicle), to which… … Wikipedia