wear-resistant part
Смотреть что такое "wear-resistant part" в других словарях:
износостойкая деталь — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN wear resistant part … Справочник технического переводчика
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
metallurgy — metallurgic, metallurgical, adj. metallurgically, adv. metallurgist /met l err jist/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jist/, n. /met l err jee/ or, esp. Brit., /meuh tal euhr jee/, n. 1. the technique or science of working or heating metals so as… … Universalium
Drum brake — A drum brake with the drum removed as used on the rear wheel of a car or truck. Note that in this installation, a cable operated parking brake uses the service shoes … Wikipedia
Drill bit — For the fictional character, see Drill Bit (Transformers). For the cancelled skyscraper nicknamed Drill bit, see Chicago Spire. For the types used in drilling wells, see Well drilling. From top to bottom: Spade, lip and spur (brad point), masonry … Wikipedia
Diamond-like carbon — A ta C thin film on silicon (15 mm diameter) exhibiting regions of 40 nm and 80 nm thickness … Wikipedia
Tire — This article is about tires used on road vehicles, including pneumatic tires and solid tires. For railroad tires, see railway tires. For other uses, see tire (disambiguation) or tyre.Tires, or tyres (in American and British English, respectively) … Wikipedia
Cobalt — This article is about the metal. For other uses, see Cobalt (disambiguation). iron ← cobalt → nickel ↑ Co ↓ Rh … Wikipedia
Injection molding — (British: moulding) is a manufacturing process for producing parts from both thermoplastic and thermosetting plastic materials. Molten plastic is injected at high pressure into a mold, which is the inverse of the product s shape. After a product… … Wikipedia
Forging — This article is about the metalworking process. For specific hot forging hearth, see forge. For the act of counterfeiting, see forgery. Hot metal ingot being loaded into a hammer forge Forging is a manufacturing process involving the shaping of… … Wikipedia