weakly continuous

weakly continuous

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weakly continuous" в других словарях:

  • Continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space — In mathematical analysis, and especially functional analysis, a fundamental role is played by the space of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space with values in the real or complex numbers. This space, denoted by C(X), is a vector… …   Wikipedia

  • Weakly measurable function — See also= In mathematics mdash; specifically, in functional analysis mdash; a weakly measurable function taking values in a Banach space is a function whose composition with any element of the dual space is a measurable function in the usual… …   Wikipedia

  • Weakly harmonic function — In mathematics, a function f is weakly harmonic in a domain D if :int D f, Delta g = 0 for all g with compact support in D and continuous second derivatives, where Delta; is the Laplacian. This definition is weaker than the definition of harmonic …   Wikipedia

  • Weak topology — This article discusses the weak topology on a normed vector space. For the weak topology induced by a family of maps see initial topology. For the weak topology generated by a cover of a space see coherent topology. In mathematics, weak topology… …   Wikipedia

  • Coherent states in mathematical physics — Coherent states have been introduced in a physical context, first as quasi classical states in quantum mechanics, then as the backbone of quantum optics and they are described in that spirit in the article Coherent states (see also [1]). However …   Wikipedia

  • Min-max theorem — Variational theorem redirects here. The term is also sometimes applied to the variational principle. In linear algebra and functional analysis, the min max theorem, or variational theorem, or Courant–Fischer–Weyl min max principle, is a result… …   Wikipedia

  • Quantum logic — In mathematical physics and quantum mechanics, quantum logic is a set of rules for reasoning about propositions which takes the principles of quantum theory into account. This research area and its name originated in the 1936 paper by Garrett… …   Wikipedia

  • Hilbert space — For the Hilbert space filling curve, see Hilbert curve. Hilbert spaces can be used to study the harmonics of vibrating strings. The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of topology — This is a glossary of some terms used in the branch of mathematics known as topology. Although there is no absolute distinction between different areas of topology, the focus here is on general topology. The following definitions are also… …   Wikipedia

  • Locally connected space — In this topological space, V is a neighbourhood of p and it contains a connected neighbourhood (the dark green disk) that contains p. In topology and other branches of mathematics, a topological space X is locally connected if every point admits… …   Wikipedia

  • Direct method in the calculus of variations — In the calculus of variations, a topic in mathematics, the direct method is a general method for constructing a proof of the existence of a minimizer for a given functional,[1] introduced by Zaremba and David Hilbert around 1900. The method… …   Wikipedia

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