weak incompleteness

weak incompleteness
мат. слабая неполнота

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "weak incompleteness" в других словарях:

  • Gödel's completeness theorem — is a fundamental theorem in mathematical logic that establishes a correspondence between semantic truth and syntactic provability in first order logic. It was first proved by Kurt Gödel in 1929. A first order formula is called logically valid if… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of everything — A theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena. Initially, the term was used with an ironic connotation to refer to various overgeneralized theories.… …   Wikipedia

  • Computability theory — For the concept of computability, see Computability. Computability theory, also called recursion theory, is a branch of mathematical logic that originated in the 1930s with the study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has grown …   Wikipedia

  • De Broglie–Bohm theory — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

  • Milky Way Galaxy — Large spiral galaxy (roughly 150,000 light years in diameter) that contains Earth s solar system. It includes the multitude of stars whose light is seen as the Milky Way, the irregular luminous band that encircles the sky defining the plane of… …   Universalium

  • Recursion theory — Recursion theory, also called computability theory, is a branch of mathematical logic that originated in the 1930s with the study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has grown to include the study of generalized computability… …   Wikipedia

  • logic, history of — Introduction       the history of the discipline from its origins among the ancient Greeks to the present time. Origins of logic in the West Precursors of ancient logic       There was a medieval tradition according to which the Greek philosopher …   Universalium

  • Hilbert's second problem — In mathematics, Hilbert s second problem was posed by David Hilbert in 1900 as one of his 23 problems. It asks for a proof that arithmetic of real numbers is consistent.In the 1930s, Kurt Gödel and Gerhard Gentzen proved results that cast new… …   Wikipedia

  • Logical positivism — (also known as logical empiricism, scientific philosophy, and neo positivism) is a philosophy that combines empiricism the idea that observational evidence is indispensable for knowledge with a version of rationalism incorporating mathematical… …   Wikipedia

  • Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory — Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, with the axiom of choice, commonly abbreviated ZFC, is the standard form of axiomatic set theory and as such is the most common foundation of mathematics.ZFC consists of a single primitive ontological notion, that of… …   Wikipedia

  • List of first-order theories — In mathematical logic, a first order theory is given by a set of axioms in somelanguage. This entry lists some of the more common examples used in model theory and some of their properties. PreliminariesFor every natural mathematical structure… …   Wikipedia

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