weak forcing
Смотреть что такое "weak forcing" в других словарях:
Forcing notrump — The forcing notrump is a bidding convention in the card game of bridge.In standard bidding, the response of 1 notrump to an opening bid of 1 of a suit shows 6 to 9 high card points and is non forcing . Opener, with a balanced minimum, may pass… … Wikipedia
Weak two bid — The Weak two bid is a common treatment used in the game of contract bridge, where a jump bid of two of a suit signifies a weak hand with a long suit. It is a form of preemptive bid. Most often, the term refers to an opening bid; there is also a… … Wikipedia
Weak Hands — 1. The intention of futures contract holders not to receive delivery of the underlying. 2. Retail traders in the forex market who abide by the conventional wisdom that when a pattern is broken, get out. 1. Futures contract holders with weak hands … Investment dictionary
forcing — adjective Bridge (of a bid) requiring by convention a response from one s partner, no matter how weak their hand may be … English new terms dictionary
2/1 game forcing — ( Two over one game forcing ) is a bidding system in modern contract bridge in which, after a one level opening bid, a non jump response in a new suit at the two level commits the partnership to bidding at least game. Normal 2/1 game forcing… … Wikipedia
New minor forcing — (often abbreviated NMF), is a bridge convention in which responder s bid of a previously unbid minor over a no trump rebid by opener (generally 1NT) is artificial and used primarily when looking for three card support for a five card major. It… … Wikipedia
Line of Delirium — infobox Book | name = Line of Delirium title orig = Linia Grez, Линия Грез (Russian) image caption = author = Sergei Lukyanenko (Сергей Лукьяненко) country = Russia language = Russian series = Line of Delirium trilogy genre = Space Opera, Science … Wikipedia
Glossary of contract bridge terms — These terms are used in Contract bridge[1][2] , or the earlier game Auction bridge, using duplicate or rubber scoring. Some of them are also used in Whist, Bid whist, and other trick taking games. This glossary supplements the Glossary of card… … Wikipedia
Acol — is a bridge bidding system. It is named after a road in Hampstead, London, where there was a bridge club in which the system started to evolve in the 1930s. According to Terence Reese, its main devisers were Maurice Harrison Gray, Jack Marx and S … Wikipedia
ACOL — Uno o varios wikipedistas están trabajando actualmente en este artículo o sección. Es posible que a causa de ello haya lagunas de contenido o deficiencias de formato. Si quieres, puedes ayudar y editar, pero por favor: antes de realizar… … Wikipedia Español
Contract bridge — Bridge declarer play Alternative name(s) Bridge Type trick taking Players 4 Skill(s) require … Wikipedia